[TYPES/announce] Workshop HDRA 2018: Call for Papers

Samuel Mimram samuel.mimram at lix.polytechnique.fr
Thu Feb 22 07:30:10 EST 2018

Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications
(HDRA 2018)


Fourth edition of the workshop on Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications
July 7, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom

Satellite workshop of FSCD 2018, part of FLOC 2018.


Rewriting consists in orienting equalities. This seemingly simple point of view
has given rise to a rich theory, which was first developped in computer science
for handling strings and terms, and was then extended over the recent years to
many other settings (operads, monoidal categories, higher categories, etc.),
allowing it to have applications in algebra, homotopy theory and physics. All
these generalizations fit into the general scope of higher-dimensional rewriting
theory, which has emerged as a unifying algebraic framework.

The aim of the workshop is to gather people interested in pushing further
rewriting theory, using (higher) categories as a common language. It is open to
all topics concerning higher-dimensional generalizations and applications of
rewriting theory, including

- higher-dimensional rewriting: extensions of rewriting theory to
  higher-dimensional settings (operads, opetopes, polygraphs/computads, parity
  complexes, augmented directed complexes, etc.), generalizations of
  string/term/graph rewriting systems, etc.

- higher categorical structures: weakening, combination and comparison of
  categorical structures (monoids, bialgebras, Frobenius algebras, Lie algebras,
  etc.), coherence theorems, etc.

- applications of rewriting to algebraic topology: construction of resolutions,
  homotopical and homological invariants, linear rewriting (Gröbner bases,
  applications to algebras and operads), Koszul duality theory, etc.

- applications and interactions with other fields: calculi for quantum
  computations, proof nets, algebraic lambda-calculi, topological models for
  concurrency, homotopy type theory, combinatorial group theory, etc.

- implementations: the workshop will also be interested in implementation issues
  in higher-dimensional rewriting and will allow demonstrations of prototypes of
  existing and new tools in higher-dimensional rewriting.

Invited speakers

* Paige North (Ohio State University), joint with HoTT/UF


Important dates

* Submission: April 15, 2018
* Notification: May 7, 2018
* Final version: May 21, 2018
* Conference: July 7, 2018


Submissions should consist in an extended abstract, in pdf format,
approximatively 6 pages long, in standard article format. The page for uploading
those is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hdra2018


The accepted extended abstracts will be made available electronically before the

Program committee

* Yves Guiraud (INRIA / Université Paris 7)
* Philippe Malbos (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
* Paul-André Melliès (Université Paris 7)
* Samuel Mimram (École Polytechnique)
* Tim Porter (University of Wales, Bangor)
* Femke van Raamsdonk (VU University, Amsterdam)
* Pawel Sobocinski (University of Southampton)
* Jamie Vicary (University of Oxford)


* Yves Guiraud (INRIA / Université Paris 7)
* Philippe Malbos (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
* Samuel Mimram (École Polytechnique)

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