[TYPES/announce] Call for papers: Special Issue on Type Error Diagnosis and Closely Related Fields

Sheng Chen cskk08 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 17:44:08 EST 2018

(Apologies for multiple copies)
(Feel free to forward this call to anyone you believe might be interested)

Special Issue on Type Error Diagnosis and Closely Related Fields

The papers will be published open access in Open Computer Science (
https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/comp). In the case of this special issue
all article processing charges are waived.

Type error diagnosis addresses the problem of communicating to the
programmers of statically typed languages why a given program is considered
to be type incorrect and therefore cannot be compiled. While programming
techniques, such as type inference, generative programming, and
metaprogramming can improve programming productivity, they bring many
challenges to the generation of user-friendly error messages. For example,
error messages in functional languages often point to imprecise error
locations and express errors in compiler jargon and those in
metaprogramming often blame libraries that are well typed and are usually
lengthy. Moreover, recent inventions of advanced type system features, such
as generalized algebraic data types and dependent types, bring further
challenges to type error debugging. Ultimately, the aim of the field is to
increase the usability of compiler tools for statically typed languages and
thus increase their adoption.

Traditionally, the field of type error diagnosis has centered on functional
languages. However, we are explicitly looking for papers within the field
irrespective of the programming language or programming paradigm, including
but not restricted to imperative, object-oriented, functional, logical, and
multi-paradigm languages. Papers may be of a fundamental and/or
application-oriented nature. For example, they may discuss a general
framework for implementing type error diagnosing techniques, study type
error diagnosing facilities implemented in compilers, or report on a user
study. Submitted papers should make a case why the paper should be of
interest to anyone interested in type error diagnosis.

Specifically, topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* Type error diagnosis for languages using inference, including Haskell,
Ocaml, Elm, Rust, etc.
* Type error diagnosis for languages using staging, including C++
Templates, Java Generics, Template Haskell, etc.
* Type error diagnosis for advanced type system features, including
generalized algebraic data types, type families, dependent types, etc.
* Type error diagnosis for domain-specific languages.
* Usability study and empirical study of type error diagnosis.
* Implementation techniques of type error debuggers.
* Program benchmarks for evaluating type error diagnosis approaches.

If you are in doubt whether your work is on topic for our special issue,
please contact one of the editors:
Dr. Jurriaan Hage - Dept. of Information and Computing Science, Utrecht
University (J.Hage at uu.nl)
Dr. Sheng Chen - School of Computing and Informatics at University of
Louisiana at Lafayette (chen at louisiana.edu)
This special issue has a page limit of 30 pages for each paper, but more
pages can be granted when necessary. The Latex template is available
through the following link.


For more information, please visit the website for this issue, which
contains submission instructions and templates in other forms.


Important dates:

Submission deadline: June 1st, 2018
Reviews: July 15th, 2018
Revision submission: September 1, 2018
Final decision: October 1, 2018

Best regards,
Jurriaan Hage and Sheng Chen
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