[TYPES/announce] Call for Posters: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Machine Learning and Programming Languages 2018

Alvin Cheung akcheung at cs.washington.edu
Fri Apr 20 01:36:00 EDT 2018

ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Machine Learning and Programming Languages (MAPL)


To be held in conjunction with PLDI 2018 in Philadelphia, USA

*Call for Posters*

We invite poster submissions that are related to the workshop topics:

- Programming language and compiler support for machine learning 
- Programming language support and implementation of deep learning 
- Inductive programming
- Probabilistic programming
- Application of machine learning to compilation and run-time scheduling
- Collaborative human / computer programming
- Interoperability between machine learning frameworks and existing code 
- Infrastructure and techniques for mining and analyzing large code bases

For each poster, please prepare a maximum 1 page abstract summarizing 
your project. All reasonable posters will be accepted. The poster titles 
will be posted on the workshop website but will not be included as part 
of the official proceedings, hence authors will be able to submit their 
work as a full paper to other venues.

*Important Dates*
Abstract submission: Fri May 18 2018
Notification: Fri May 25 2018

*Submission Website*

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the program chair.

On behalf of our organizational committee:
Alvin Cheung, University of Washington, USA (Program Chair)
Justin Gottschlich, Intel Labs, USA (General Chair)
Tatiana Shpeisman, Google, USA (Steering Committee Chair)

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