[TYPES/announce] CfP: 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) -- Combined call for workshop papers

Raffi T Khatchadourian rk1424 at hunter.cuny.edu
Fri May 4 12:01:34 EDT 2018


26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium
on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)

Workshop days: November 4, 5, and 9, 2018
Orlando, Florida, United States

Follow ESEC/FSE on twitter: @fseconf
Follow ESEC/FSE on Facebook: http://facebook.com/fseconference
Social Media Hashtag: #esecfse

The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM
SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)
is an internationally renowned forum for researchers, practitioners,
and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations,
trends, experiences, and challenges in the field of software
engineering. Formerly the FSE conference in alternating years and
ESEC/FSE in other years, ESEC/FSE is now the new name of this annual
conference series. The ESEC/FSE conference brings together experts from
academia and industry to exchange the latest research results and
trends, as well as their practical application in all areas of software
engineering. The conference is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest
Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT).

ESEC/FSE 2018 will have workshops that will be held in conjunction with
the main conference. Workshops aim to provide opportunities for
exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing preliminary results
in various areas of software engineering research and applications.
Workshops will be held in the days before and after the research track
(Nov. 4, 5, and 9).

Call for Workshop Papers

Workshops Chair: Damian Dechev

### EnSEmble: Ensemble-based Software Engineering

Organizers: Francesco Nocera, Antonio Bucchiarone, Marina Mongiello,
Michael Sheng, and Luca Riccardi (publicity chair)


Contemporary and future software systems are composed of large-scale
ensembles of widely distributed, largely autonomous and heterogeneous
entities situated in both the physical world and in back-end computer

From software development perspective, the world of computing is
shifting from the era of single device computing to a new era where
literally everything (Services, Things and People) is interconnected,
online, and programmable. We are therefore increasingly looking at, and
building, emergent and adaptive socio-technical applications built on
top of large-scale decentralized distributed computing systems. The
lessons learned in distributed software management have led to the idea
of a micro-service-based architectural style derived from the concept
of web services, flows, and message exchange. These concepts are not
only used in large systems, but become common practice in all types of
applications, even the smallest, applications involving smart things.

The goal of this workshop is to bring the attention of researchers and
practitioners of the software engineering to the opportunities and
challenges involved in new trend and issue related to software
architecting. The workshop aims to present and discuss latest ongoing
research as well as radical new research directions in engineering
modern and future software application involving several and
heterogeneous domains.

The aim is to analyze and propose new paradigms of software distributed
software platform, including sharing and reuse of everything: people,
objects, and services, but also sharing of economy aspect of these

Main relevant content should comprise concepts of community: the main
activity of services is to create and manage, characterized by
sociality, economic advantage, efficiency of service, comfort, and so
on. There is a bilateral and continuous relationship between different
categories of end-user.

Business services are no longer paid from top to bottom, but people are
meeting to exchange or share assets, time, money, etc. So the goods are
owned by people and not by companies. This new high-level perspective
on the sharing of services requires and asks for new technologies,
requirements and style to be implemented.

Finally, people experience advantages derived from sharing of
everything reaching the satisfaction of requirements that are both
architectural as far as the design is concerned and non-functional
concerning economical, experiential, efficiency, and other proper
category depending on the specific domain and typology of involved

Topics of interested include but are not limited to:

- Engineering web of things and of everything
- Software architectural styles and patterns for connecting objects,
devices and services
- Engineering new paradigm for software architecture
- The Emerging Paradigms: Fog and Edge Computing
- Liquid software
- Challenges for distributed application
- Architectures and Framework for smart devices connection
- Microservices and distributed software models
- Architecture for adaptive systems
- Optimization and Decision-making approaches
- Scalability and Performance analysis
- Languages, platforms, APIs and other tools for Ensembles
- Internet of events (people, things, content, object)
- Sustainable software engineering
- Emerging paradigms of software platform: crowdfunding, crowdsourcing
- Sharing economy: reuse, sharing and reusing
- Scenarios, case studies, and experience reports of Ensembles in
different contexts (e.g., Smart Mobility, Smart Energy/Smart Grid,
Smart Buildings, Emergency, etc..)
- Applications and tools behaving in shared economy environment and
domains: Crowdfunding, car sharing, house-sharing, coworking


Workshop papers are: 8 pages long and peer-reviewed; 4 pages for demo
papers describing existing tools or prototypes. Submission of papers in
ACM Master article template, should be submitted as a single PDF file
in the EasyChair system (http://bit.ly/2HSV4rB). Submissions will be
judged on novelty, relevance, clarity of presentation, and correctness.
Authors of accepted submissions are required to present their work.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and
published in ACM Digital Library.

Program Committee (TBC):

- Marco Autili, University of L'Aquila, Italy
- Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
- Rafael Capilla, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
- Niko Mäkitalo, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Ivano Malavolta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Radu-Casian Mihailescu, Malmö University, Sweden
- Henry Muccini, University of L’Aquila, Italy
- Luigi Patrono, Università del Salento, Italy
- Hongyu Pei Breivold, Mälardalen University, Sweden
- Patrizia Scandurra, University of Bergamo, Italy
- Sungwon Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Republic of Korea
- Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria

### NL4SE: Statistical Natural Language Modelling of SE Corpora

Organizers: Yijun Yu, Erik Fredericks, and Premkumar Devanbu


This interdisciplinary workshop will explore issues related to the
statistical modeling of software corpora, including topics such as:

- Modeling repetitiveness ("naturalness") in source code
- Applications to code suggestion in IDEs
- Mining programming idioms
- Statistical inference of types and other annotations.
- Applications of Statistical Machine Translation for porting and
reverse engineering
- Statistical methods for bug localization
- Statistical methods for automatic code patching, code summarization,
code retrieval, code annotation, or test generation
- Formal and informal methods for enhancing assurance via NLP

We invite short position papers or early-stage research papers of at
most 4 pages in length. Several submissions will be invited for

### JPF: The Java Pathfinder Workshop

Organizers: Antonio Filieri and Reed Milewicz


The goal of the workshop is to highlight research and tools for
Java/Android program verification and analysis. Although there is a
particular emphasis on the JPF tool, and on projects that use JPF to
support basic research, tool development, or verification case studies,
the workshop also welcomes contributions related to general program
analysis of Java/Android programs. The hope is to use the workshop to
grow the community of researchers investigating Java, Android, and JPF
in an effort to foster collaboration and define future needs for Java
program analysis.


We solicit regular paper submissions on existing research and
applications related to JPF or its extensions. If the un- derlying
research idea has been published in another venue, the paper needs to
clarify the novel aspects that are being presented in the paper. We
also solicit extended abstracts and position paper submissions on
recent work or work in progress. We welcome comparative analysis papers
that evaluate algorithms in JPF or its extensions with other relevant
tools. The goal of the workshop is to encourage the flow of ideas
relevant to JPF and Java/Android program analysis in general. The
papers should be at most 5 pages long in the ACM SIG Proceedings
format. Accepted regular papers will be published in the Software
Engineering Notes (SEN) and the ACM Digital Library.

Topics of Interest:

- JPF extensions or tools
- JPF case studies
- Position papers on JPF, such as future directions
- Java program analysis or verification
- Android program analysis or verification
- General software verification techniques or tools


We invite practitioners, academics, and students who are interested in
Java development, automated program analysis, and related software
engineering research and practice to attend the JPF workshop.
Submitting a paper is not required to participate, enjoy, and learn
about JPF.

Program Chairs:

- Antonio Filieri, Imperial College London
- Reed Milewicz, Sandia National Laboratories

Program Committee (tentative):

- Cyrille Artho, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Franck van Breugel, York University
- Marcelo d'Amorim, Informatics Center, UFPE
- Marko Dimjasevic, University of Utah
- Indradeep Ghosh, Fujitsu Labs of America
- Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames Research Center
- Milos Gligoric, University of Texas at Austin
- Alex Groce, Northern Arizona University
- Falk Howar, Clausthal University of Technology
- Sarfraz Khurshid, The University of Texas at Austin
- Guodong Li, Codiscope/Synopsis
- Kasper Luckow, Amazon
- Eric G Mercer, Brigham Young University
- Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
- Pavel Parizek, Charles University
- John Penix, Google
- Suzette Person, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University
- Zvonimir Rakamaric, University of Utah
- Alexander von Rhein, University of Passau
- Neha Rungta, Amazon Web Services
- Elena Sherman, Boise State University
- Oksana Tkachuk, Amazon Web Services
- Arnaud Venet, Google
- Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University
- Guowei Yang, Texas State University

### A-TEST: 9th Workshop on Automating TEST case design, selection and

Organizers: Tanja E. J. Vos, Wishnu Prasetya, Sigrid Eldh, Sinem	
Getir, Ali Parsai, and Pekka Aho


We invite you to submit a paper to the workshop, and present and
discuss it at the event itself on any topics related to automated
software testing.


- Position paper (2 pages) intended to generate discussion and debate
during the workshop.
- Work-in-progress paper (4 pages) that describes novel work in
progress, that not necessarily has reached its full completion.
- Full paper (7 pages) describing original and completed research.
- Tool demo (4 pages) describing your tool and a description of your
planned demo-session.
- Technology transfer paper (4 pages). Describing University-Industry

Papers will be submitted through EasyChair: http://bit.ly/2rl1s3M

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three referees. Submissions
must be original and should not have been published previously or be
under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this
workshop. Authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and
Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and
Simultaneous Submissions.

All papers must be prepared in ACM Conference Format.

Papers accepted for the workshop will appear in the ACM digital
library, providing a lasting archived record of the workshop

### SWAN: 4th International Workshop on Software Analytics

Organizers: Olga Baysal, Tim Menzies, Sonia Haiduc


The fourth International Workshop on Software Analytics (SWAN 2018)
aims at providing a common venue for researchers and practitioners
across software engineering, data mining and mining software
repositories research domains to share new approaches and emerging
results in developing and validating analytics rich solutions, as well
as adopting analytics to software development and maintenance processes
to better inform their everyday decisions. The goals of the workshop
are to discuss progress on software analytics, data mining and
analysis; to gather empirical evidence on the use and effectiveness of
analytics; and to identify priorities for a research agenda. The
workshop invites both academic researchers and industrial practitioners
for an exchange of ideas and collaboration. 

All submissions should describe unpublished work and must have been
neither previously accepted for publication nor concurrently submitted
for review in another journal, book, conference, or workshop.
Submissions can be position papers, research papers, studies,
experience or practice reports. 

The main theme of the SWAN 2018 workshop is to exchange ideas from both
academia and industry to form a consolidated view regarding how good
existing software analytics and tools are and how to benefit from them
for different software development and maintenance activities. This
year we are announcing a specialized theme "responsible software
science" (aka what extra would we have to add to your tools to make our
systems ethical?) for submissions. However, we also accept papers on
general topics of software analytics. The topics of discussion include
(but not limited to) the following:

- Applications of software and data analytics to support decision
- Data-driven approaches for data exploration and analysis;
- Predictive analytics;
- Web analytics, development analytics, business intelligence tools,
Hadoop tools;
- Quantitative vs. qualitative analytics;
- Large-scale data mining, analysis and analytics;
- Software analytics for various stakeholders (e.g., managers vs.
- Methods of integrating data from multiple sources (applications,
interfaces, mobile apps);
- Empirical studies on how software analytics are used in practice and
their effectiveness;
- Negative results ("what did not work") when adopting software
analytics, and experience reports;
- Identification of open research challenges and proposed solutions.

Keynote Speakers:

- Dr. Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria, Canada

Program Co-Chairs:

- Olga Baysal, Carleton University, Canada
- Tim Menzies, NC State University, USA

Student Scholarship Chair:

- Sonia Haiduc, Florida State University, USA

Steering Committee:

- Olga Baysal, Carleton University, Canada
- Ayse Bener, Ryerson University, Canada
- Michael W. Godfrey, Waterloo University, Canada
- Latifa Guerrouj, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Canada
- Tim Menzies, North Carolina State University, USA
- Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research, USA

### WASPI: 1st International Workshop on Automated Specification

Organizers: Robert Dyer, Tien Nguyen, Hridesh Rajan, Hoan Nguyen, Gary
Leavens, and Vasant Honavar


Specifications provide programmers with the confidence their
implementations are correct. Formal specifications can even
automatically verify the code and specification are consistent,
providing additional guarantees. However, most programmers do not write
such specifications as it is either too hard, too time consuming, or
requires expertise not widely available. Tools and techniques have been
developed over time to (semi)automate the generation of such
specifications, to varying success.

The International Workshop on Automated Specification Inference (WASPI)
provides a venue for researchers and practitioners to come together and
discuss the current state of the art of and challenges to specification
inference techniques and tools. For example, how do we infer more
complex and usable specifications? How do we increase the accuracy of
the inference techniques? How do we encourage practitioners to use the
inference tools and techniques more than they currently do? The goal of
this workshop is to identify the most pressing open problems facing
specification inference researchers and provide a solid direction
toward solving those problems.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- tools and techniques for automatically inferring:
	- behavioral interface specifications
	- hoare-style specifications
	- informal specifications (documentation)
	- information-flow specifications
	- model-based specifications
	- temporal specifications
- static specification inference techniques
- dynamic specification inference techniques
- automatic verification of inferred specifications
- mining software repository approaches to inference
- machine-learning approaches to inference
- inferring specifications from big data


WASPI 2018 invites novel contributions in the form of either 4-page
short papers or 2-page position papers from both researchers and
practitioners. Submissions can be research papers, practice papers,
position papers, demo papers, or experience reports. All submissions
should describe unpublished work and must have been neither previously
accepted for publication nor concurrently submitted for review in
another journal, book, conference, or workshop. Submissions are peer-
reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings.

Papers should be submitted electronically at: http://bit.ly/2rloU0F

Submissions must follow the ESEC/FSE submission policies and be no more
than 2 or 4 pages (including references).

Program Committee:

- Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Oakland University
- Robert Dyer, Bowling Green State University
- Vasant Honavar, Penn. State University
- Suresh Jagannathan, Purdue University
- Miryung Kim, UCLA
- Yu David Liu, SUNY at Binghamton
- Santosh Nagarakatte, Rutgers
- Hoan Anh Nguyen, Iowa State University
- Tien N. Nguyen, University of Texas, Dallas
- Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State University

Important Dates

### EnSEmble

-   Submission date: July 27, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: August 24, 2018
-   Camera-ready date: September 18, 2018
-   Workshop: November 4, 2018

### NL4SE

-   Submission date: August 31, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2018
-   Camera-ready date: October 15, 2018
-   Workshop: November 4, 2018

### JPF

-   Submission date: July 22, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: August 24, 2018
-   Camera ready date: September 15, 2018
-   Workshop: November 5, 2018

### A-TEST

-   Submission date: July 27, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: August 24, 2018
-   Camera ready date: September 18, 2018
-   Workshop: November 5, 2018

### SWAN

-   Submission date: July 27, 2018 (AoE Time)
-   Notification of acceptance: August 24, 2018
-   Camera ready date: September 18, 2018 (AoE Time)
-   Workshop: November 5, 2018


-   Submission date: July 27, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: August 24, 2018
-   Camera ready date: September 18, 2018
-   Workshop: November 9, 2018

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