[TYPES/announce] postdoc in runtime verification

Radu Grigore radugrigore at gmail.com
Mon May 21 06:53:05 EDT 2018

Dear All,

I am looking for a postdoc who will work on using machine learning to make
runtime verification more efficient. The project has both theoretical and
system-building parts, so I'd be happy with either a theoretician or a
systems-person. Also, your background could be either machine learning or
program verification. The main criterion is excellence -- ideally, a track
record of publishing in top conferences.

University of Kent has a strong group in Programming Languages, and is
located within a convenient distance from London (<1h) and other good

The deadline for applications is soon: 25 May.
The position is until the end of 2019, with a negotiable start date.

For more details, don't hesitate to contact me by email.
Apply here:

all the best,
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