[TYPES/announce] Postdoc/Engineer positions at LRI - U. Paris Saclay
Benoit Valiron
benoit at monoidal.net
Sun Aug 19 06:41:45 EDT 2018
[Apologies for cross-posting]
We are seeking candidates for one-year post-doc and research engineer
positions in the context of two French-funded projects: Quantex,
funded by BPI/GDN, and SofQPro, funded by ANR. The contact points at
LRI (https://www.lri.fr/index_en.php?lang=EN) are Benoit Valiron
(formal methods and quantum computation) and Marc Baboulin (numerical
linear algebra and high-performance computing).
Both projects are concerned with quantum software and quantum
simulation. They cover a relatively broad spectrum of subjects,
ranging from formal methods and language design to numerical methods
applied to quantum circuit synthesis.
- SoftQPro is concerned with the development of a quantum compilation
toolchain, consisting of
+ a formal high-level language akin to Quipper or ProtoQuipper.
+ the ZX calculus as an intermediate language.
+ a set of analysis and optimization tools, both for the high-level
and the intermediate language.
+ backends: emulation plateforms, measurement-based model of
computation, lattice surgery.
- Quantex is concerned with quantum computation as a useable
technology. In particular, on top of a high-level language such as
Quipper it aims at developing and implementing
+ standard libraries for coding quantum algorithms
+ circuit synthesis techniques
+ use-cases of both academic and industrial interest
+ a testing plateform using emulation techniques,
Several partners are involved in these two projects, including the
company Atos/Bull, the lab LORIA, the lab LRI, the lab CEA-LIST.
* Topics and requirements for applicants
We are looking for young researchers who can contribute to the
research topics of the projects SoftQPro and Quantex. Candidates
should hold a PhD in computer science or a closely related field (or
be close to complete their PhD) with at least two skills among
- Quantum computation, model and quantum algorithms
- Linear algebra and numerical methods
- Formal methods and logical systems
* Dates and Timeline
Informal enquiries: as soon as possible
Application deadlines: Sep 15th, but applications shall be considered
until all positions have been fulfilled.
Starting date: from October 2018 onwards
End of funding: December 2020
* Application submission guidelines
Applications should be sent to both
- Benoit Valiron <Benoit.Valiron at lri.fr>
- Marc Baboulin <Marc.Baboulin at lri.fr>
in an email entitled "Quantex/SoftQPro postdoc application", providing:
- a detailed CV with a publication list,
- a research statement of about one page explaining how you think you
can contribute to the project(s).
- and one or two recommendation letters.
Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to contact for informal
enquiries as soon as the announcement is released, and at least when
*starting* preparing their application (for info on topics such as
starting dates, connections with project sites, salary...).
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