[TYPES/announce] Expressions of Interest for a Postdoc Position in Security and Privacy at TU Wien

Maffei, Matteo matteo.maffei at tuwien.ac.at
Fri Jan 25 04:04:11 EST 2019

The Security and Privacy research division (https://secpriv.tuwien.ac.at) at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) is seeking a candidate for a postdoc position of two years, ideally starting in Spring 2019. The successful applicant will enjoy full research independence and further contribute to the teaching activities in security and privacy at TU Wien.

Candidates with a research background in the following areas are particularly invited to apply:

- Formal methods for security and privacy;
- Intersection between Machine Learning and security and privacy;
- Blockchain technologies;
- Web security.

The specific requirements for this postdoc position are the following:

- An outstanding publication record in top-tier security venues;
- A PhD in Computer Science;
- Excellent English skills.

TU Wien has about 20,000 students and a heavy emphasis on research. The Faculty of Informatics comprises about 3,000 students and is the largest one in Austria. Vienna hosts several outstanding research institutes (including IST Austria, AIT, SBA, RIAT) with a strong focus on security and privacy and a long-standing collaboration track.

TU Wien offers a first class research environment, and various academic development programs. Research in Austria is generously supported by a wide-range of funding institutes, including FWF, FFG, and, within the city of Vienna, WWTF.
Finally, Vienna has repeatedly been ranked number 1 worldwide in the Mercer Quality of Living Survey.

The  postdoctoral researcher salary is highly competitive and ruled by level B1 of the Austrian Collective Agreement for the university staff, currently amounting to EUR 3.711,10 per/month/gross (14 times a year).

The TU Wien is committed to increasing female employment in leading scientific positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply, and preference will be given to female applications when scientifically equally qualified.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by e-mail to christopher.vomastek at tuwien.ac.at<mailto:christopher.vomastek at tuwien.ac.at> and include in a single pdf

• A cover letter stating the candidate's motivation to apply, and the reason(s) why they should be selected for the position;
• A CV;
• A short research statement;
• Three most significant publications;
• The contact details of two referees.

Expressions of interest submitted by February 15, 2019 will receive full consideration.

For informal inquiries, please contact matteo.maffei at tuwien.ac.at<mailto:matteo.maffei at tuwien.ac.at>

Univ. Prof. Matteo Maffei
Security and Privacy Group
TU Wien
Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 2, 1. Stock
Wien, A-1040
Website: secpriv.tuwien.ac.at<http://secpriv.tuwien.ac.at>
Phone: +43(1)58801184860
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