[TYPES/announce] CFP: 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis

Neville Grech me at nevillegrech.com
Mon Mar 11 10:58:22 EDT 2019

*SOAP 2019The 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the
Art in Program AnalysisCo-located with

*Static and dynamic analysis techniques and tools have received widespread
attention for a long time. The application domains of these analyses range
from core libraries to modern technologies such as Android applications and
Smart Contracts. Over time, analysis frameworks, such as Soot, Doop, WALA,
Gigahorse, Soufflé, and OPAL, have been developed to better support
techniques for optimizing programs, ensuring code quality, and assessing
security and compliance.We invite contributions and inspirations from
researchers and practitioners working with program analysis. We are
particularly interested in exciting analysis framework ideas, innovative
designs, and analysis techniques, including preliminary results of work in
progress. We also focus on the state of the practice for program analysis
by encouraging submissions by industrial participants.  We want to see your
tools -- tool demonstration submissions are encouraged. The workshop agenda
will continue its tradition of lively discussions on extensions of existing
frameworks, development of new analyses, tools and substrates, and how
program analysis is used in real-world scenarios.*Format

*The workshop will take one day and will feature invited talks by leading
members of the program analysis community, presentations of all accepted
refereed papers, and time for open discussion.*Submissions

*Submissions should be four- to six-page papers and should be formatted
according to the two-column ACM proceedings format. Each reference must
list all authors of the paper. The citations should be in numerical style,
e.g., [52]. Templates for ACM format are available for Microsoft Word and
LaTeX at http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author
<http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author>. The preprint template should be
set to use 10pt font and ‘numbers’ to ensure numerical style citations,
that is:
submissions include, but are not limited to: - A report on a novel
implementation of a program analysis, with focus on practical details or
optimization techniques for obtaining precision and performance.- A new
research tool, data, and/or other artifacts that showcase early
implementations of novel program analysis concepts, as well as mature
prototypes.- A description of a new analysis component, for example
front-ends or abstract domains.- A report describing an innovative tool
built on top of an existing framework.- An idea paper proposing the
integration of existing program analyses to answer interesting novel
questions about programs, for example in IDEs.- Substrates or techniques
for developing program analysis frameworks, e.g., Datalog engines.- An
experience report on the use of a program analysis framework.- A
description of a program analysis tool and screenshots of main parts of the

*Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library. *Invited Speakers
(TBD)Important Dates (23:59 AoE)

* - Paper submissions: April 6, 2019- Reviews by April 24, 2019-
Notification of authors: April 27, 2019- Submission of camera-ready copies:
May 10, 2019- Workshop date: June 22, 2019*Organizers

*Neville Grech, University of AthensThierry Lavoie, Synopsis Inc.*Program


   Eric Bodden, University of Paderborn

   Yannis Smaragdakis, University of Athens

   Karim Ali, University of Alberta

   Dana Drachsler-Cohen, ETH Zurich

   François Gauthier, Oracle Labs

   Marc-André Laverdière, Synopsis Inc.
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