[TYPES/announce] CFP: MAPL'19 Third ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Machine Learning and Programming Languages

Armando Solar-Lezama asolar at csail.mit.edu
Wed Mar 27 10:35:55 EDT 2019

      Key information

Paper submissions: Mon 8 Apr 2019 (firm)
Notification of authors: Sat 27 Apr 2019
Camera-ready copies due: Fri 10 May 2019
Workshop date: Sat 22 Jun 2019 (Co-located with PLDI/FCRC in Phoenix, 


Now in its third year, the workshop on Machine Learning and Programming 
Languages (MAPL) is a forum for machine learning and programming systems 
researchers to join together and discuss how we will change the way we 
write software. MAPL will include a combination of peer-reviewed papers 
and invited events. The workshop will seek papers on a diverse range of 
topics related to programming languages and machine learning including 
(and not limited to):

  * Application of machine learning to compilation and run-time scheduling
  * Collaborative human / computer programming
  * Inductive programming
  * Infrastructure and techniques for mining and analyzing large code bases
  * Interoperability between machine learning frameworks and existing
    code bases 

  * Probabilistic programming
  * Programming language and compiler support for machine learning
  * Programming language support and implementation of deep learning

The workshop will be co-located with PLDI/FCRC in Phoenix Arizona.

      Evaluation Criteria

As in previous year, reviewers will evaluate each contribution for its 
significance, originality, and clarity to the topics listed above. 
Submissions should clearly state how they are novel and how they improve 
upon existing work.

This year we will be using double-blind reviewing. This means that 
author names and affiliations must be omitted from the submission. 
Additionally, if the submission refers to prior work done by the 
authors, that reference should be made in third person. These are firm 
submission requirements. If you have questions about making your paper 
double blind, please contact the Program Chair.

      Paper Submissions

Submissions must be in English. papers should be in PDF and format and 
no more than 8 pages in standard two-column SIGPLAN conference format 
<https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/> including figures and tables 
but excluding references. Shorter submissions are welcome. The 
submissions will be judged based on the merit of the ideas rather than 
the length. Submissions must be made through the online submission site 

All accepted papers will appear in the published proceedings and 
available on the ACM Digital Library. Authors will have the option of 
having their final paper accessible from the workshop website as well.

Authors must be familiar with and abide by SIGPLAN’s republication 
policy <https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication/>, 
which forbids simultaneous submission to multiple venues and requires 
disclosing prior publication of closely related work.

      Program Committee

Armando Solar-Lezama (chair) MIT
Alex Polozov, MSR
Osbert Bastani, University of Pennsylvania
Koushik Sen, UC Berkeley
Rastislav Bodik, University of Washington
Mejbah Alam, Intel
Dana Draschsler Cohen, ETH Zurich
Yisong Yue, Caltech
Dawn Song, UC Berkeley
Marc Brockschmidt, MSR Cambridge
Swarat Chaudhuri, Rice University

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