[TYPES/announce] Deadline Extension: Design and Analysis of Robust Systems (DARS 2019)

Justin Hsu email at justinh.su
Mon Apr 15 15:39:36 EDT 2019

*Call for Abstracts*
*DARS 2019: 4th Workshop on the Design and Analysis of Robust Systems*
Part of *CAV* <http://i-cav.org/2019/> 2019, New York, New York

DARS 2019 is the 4th in an international workshop series dedicated to the
design and analysis of robust systems. Robustness refers to the ability of
a system to behave reliably in the presence of perturbation, either in the
system's dynamics and parameters, or irregularities in the system's
operating environment. This is particularly important in the context of
embedded systems that interact with a physical environment through sensors
and actuators, and communicate over wired or wireless networks. Such
systems are routinely subject to deviations arising from sensor or
actuation noise, quantization and sampling of data, uncertainty in the
physical environment, and delays or packet drops over unreliable network
channels. When deployed in safety critical applications, system robustness
in the presence of uncertainty is not just desirable, but crucial.
The goal of DARS is to foster dialogue and exchange of ideas and techniques
across several disciplines with an interest in robustness such as formal
verification, programming languages, fault-tolerance, control theory and
hybrid systems. Domains of interest include, but are not limited to:
reactive, timed, hybrid or probabilistic systems and programs, approximate
computing, fault tolerance of distributed systems, and robustness of neural
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

   - Specification languages for specifying qualitative and quantitative
   - Runtime detection of non-robust conditions
   - Definitions of robustness, application-specific or more generic
   - Computationally tractable procedures for measuring robustness
   - Enforcing robustness of system integrations
   - Quantifying robustness for black-box systems
   - Robustness to adversarial/malicious attacks
   - Robustness in cyber-physical systems

*Workshop Format*
DARS is intended to be a forum for exchanging the latest scientific trends
between researchers and practitioners interested in various notions of
system robustness, application-specific or otherwise.  As a consequence,
the workshop will NOT have formal proceedings. We encourage submission of
abstracts that address any of the aforementioned topics of interest and
cover recently published results as well as work in progress.
*Submission instructions*
DARS solicits extended abstracts, which should be submitted via Easychair


Abstracts should be in PDF form, up to 3 pages in length, with 1-inch
margins and at least 10-point font size, and may contain up to three
figures. Abstracts should list the full names, affiliations, and contact
information of all authors. If you are interested in demonstrating a
technology you are working on at the workshop, including software tools,
please indicate so in your abstract submission.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and will be accepted
for either an oral presentation or a poster. Accepted abstracts will be
posted to the workshop's website.
*Important Dates*

*Submission deadline: May 1, 2019  (DEADLINE EXTENSION) *
   - *Notification: **May 24, 2019*
   - *Workshop:** July 13, 2019*

*Organizers and chairs*
Houssam Abbas <http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~abbasho/>, Oregon State
University, USA
Justin Hsu <https://justinh.su/>, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
*Technical Program Committee*
Houssam Abbas <http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~abbasho/>, Oregon State
University, USA
Md Ariful Islam <http://www.depts.ttu.edu/cs/faculty/ariful_islam/index.php>,
Texas Tech University
Stanley Bak <http://stanleybak.com/>, Safe Sky Analytics
Borzoo Bonakdarpour <http://web.cs.iastate.edu/~borzoo/>, Iowa State
Chuchu Fan <http://cfan10.web.engr.illinois.edu/>, University of Illinois
Thomas Ferrère <http://pub.ist.ac.at/~tferrere/>, IST Austria
Carlo A. Furia <https://bugcounting.net/>, Università della Svizzera
Bardh Hoxha <https://www2.cs.siu.edu/~bhoxha/>, Southern Illinois University
Radoslav Ivanov <https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~rivanov/>, University of
Justin Hsu <https://justinh.su/>, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Soonho Kong <https://soonhokong.github.io/>, Toyota Research Institute
Dejan Ničković
Austrian Institute of Technology
Jan Otop <https://sites.google.com/a/cs.uni.wroc.pl/jan-otop/>, University
of Wrocław
Yash V Pant <https://yashpant.github.io/>, University of Pennsylvania
Nicola Paoletti <https://nicolapaoletti.com/>, Royal Holloway, University
of London
Corina S. Pasareanu <https://ti.arc.nasa.gov/profile/pcorina/>, NASA Ames
Research Center
Andrew Sogokon <https://sites.google.com/site/andrewsogokon/>, CMU
Paolo Zuliani <https://pzuliani.github.io/>, Newcastle University
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