[TYPES/announce] ML Family Workshop 2019: Call for presentations

KC Sivaramakrishnan sk826 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Apr 22 06:29:37 EDT 2019

We are happy to invite submissions for ML family workshop 2019, to be held
during the ICFP conference week on Thursday 22nd August 2019.

ML family workshop invites submissions touching on the programming
languages traditionally seen as part of the “ML family”. However, we are
also keen to receive submissions from other related language groups. If you
have questions about the suitability of your work for the workshop, please
feel free to write an email.

The detailed CFP is available on the ICFP website:


## Important dates

Thu 16 May 2019 (AoE) Submission deadline
Sun 30 Jun 2019 Author Notification
Thu 22 Aug 2019 ML Family Workshop

## Program Committee

Aggelos Biboudis EPFL, Switzerland
Andreas Rossberg Dfinity, Germany
Atsushi Igarashi Kyoto University, Japan
Avik Chaudhuri Facebook, USA
Cyrus Omar University of Chicago, USA
David Allsopp University of Cambridge, UK
Edwin Brady University of St. Andrews, UK
Jacques-Henri Jourdan CNRS, LRI, Université Paris-Sud, France
KC Sivaramakrishnan IIT Madras, India
Lars Bergstrom Mozilla Research, USA
Matthew Fluet Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Zoe Paraskevopoulou Princeton University, USA

## Submission details

We seek extended abstracts, up to 3 pages long. Submissions must be
uploaded to the workshop submission website:

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