[TYPES/announce] [Doc Symposium ECOOP 2019] Call for second-round submissions (deadline May 17)

Julia Belyakova julbinb at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 03:35:39 EDT 2019

   ECOOP Doctoral Symposium 2019

    Friday, July 19th, 2019

    London, United Kingdom

Doctoral Symposium of the European COnference On Programming languages


Second-round submission deadline: Fri, May 17th, 2019, AOE
Submission link: https://ecoop19ds.hotcrp.com/



The Doctoral Symposium is a forum for doctoral students to present their
research proposal and receive constructive feedback in a friendly
atmosphere. The Symposium welcomes both late and early stage PhD students
with an identified research topic related to the ECOOP conference, i.e.
Programming Languages. Participants will obtain useful guidance that will
help them complete their research, prepare their thesis, and begin a
research career.
The main objectives of the Doctoral Symposium are:
* to allow PhD students to practise effective writing and communication of
their research;
* to receive constructive feedback from the Program Committee, Academic
Panel, and other participants;
* to offer opportunities to form research collaborations and interact with
other researchers at the main conference.

The ECOOP 2019 <https://2018.ecoop.org/> Doctoral Symposium welcomes
participation of students who pursue their research in the area of programming
languages. The event will take place after the main conference, on Friday,
July 19th.

The Doctoral Symposium takes the form of a full-day event of interactive
presentations. The day will start with a series of lightning talks where
each PhD student will give an “elevator pitch” of their research. This will
be followed by formal presentations from each PhD student, with time
allocated for the presentation as well as questions and discussions. The
program will also include keynote talks on topics related to PhD studies,
research, and life beyond the PhD.



We have two distinct submission categories: junior submissions and senior
* Junior students may not have a full research plan but shall have an
identified research topic; they will present their ideas and any progress
to date, and will receive feedback to help them determine further steps in
* Senior students are expected to give an outline of their thesis research
and will receive feedback to help them successfully complete their thesis
and defense/viva.

All submissions are double-blind.

Submission format: a 4–8 page research proposal for junior and a 6–10 page
thesis proposal for senior students (in the Dagstuhl LIPIcs
<http://drops.dagstuhl.de/styles/lipics/lipics-authors.tgz> format).

Please, **refer to the website** for further details.

Second-round submissions are due on **May 17th, 2019, AOE**.
Submission link: https://ecoop19ds.hotcrp.com/
First-round submissions are due on Apr 19th, 2019, AOE. (deadline passed)
Submissions from the two rounds will be reviewed independently. Submissions
rejected in the first round are invited to resubmit for the second round.

As participants of the Doctoral Symposium are not expected to submit
technical papers, but rather thesis proposals, participants can submit to
both the main conferences/workshops and the Doctoral Symposium. There will
be no proceedings for the Doctoral Symposium.



Accepted students will give two presentations:
* A two-minute presentation stating key issues of the research (the “elevator
* A 10–15 minute presentation followed by 10–15” of questions, feedback and
discussions. Concrete time slots will be determined later with regards to
the number of submissions and accepted papers.

Prior to the symposium, each student will be assigned submissions of two
other students. For each submission, the student will prepare a short
summary, some feedback, and 2–3 questions on the submission. The
participants will be expected to also take an active part in all



First-round submission deadline: Friday, April 19th, 2019 AOE
First-round notification: Monday, May 13th, 2019
Second-round submission deadline: Friday, May 17th, 2019 AOE
Second-round notification: Tuesday, June 20th, 2019

Doctoral Symposium: Friday, July 19th, 2019



Julia Belyakova (Northeastern University)
Goran Piskachev (Fraunhofer IEM)



Phi-Diep Bui (Uppsala University)
Olivier Flückiger (Northeastern University)
Remigius Meier (ETH Zurich)
Charith Mendis (MIT CSAIL)
Lisa Nguyen Quang Do (Paderborn University)

Nathalie Oostvogels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Hila Peleg (Technion)
Michael Reif (TU Darmstadt)
Andreas Schuler (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)
Ilina Stoilkovska (Vienna University of Technology)
Kirshanthan Sundararajah (Purdue University)
Yanlin Wang (University of Hong Kong)



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