[TYPES/announce] Postdoc positions in compositionality and applied category theory

Pawel Sobocinski sobocinski at gmail.com
Thu May 23 06:44:52 EDT 2019

Applications are invited for several postdoctoral researcher
positions in the Department of Software Science at Taltech 
(Tallinn University of Technology) working with Pawel 
Sobocinski on compositionality and applied category theory. 

Compositionality describes and quantifies how compound 
systems can be assembled out of their constituent parts in 
a way that respects the underlying semantics. Compositional 
design is necessary for trustworthy software and leads to the 
development of correct and efficient data structures and 
algorithms. The inter-disciplinary group will work on 
compositional approaches to various application domains, 
including models of concurrency, control theory and 
cyber-physical systems, game theory, relational algebra and 
database theory, and machine learning. The language and 
techniques of category theory will serve as a connecting and 
unifying lingua franca, with an emphasis on the use of string 
diagrams and diagrammatic reasoning. The group will focus on 
theoretical as well as practical aspects, including tool 

The project is part of a research measure of the Estonian IT 
Academy programme, funded by the Estonian state and the 
European Social Fund.


The ideal applicants will have a PhD in Computer Science 
(or related field), strong background in at least one 
application area as well as in category theory. Experience 
in programming and software engineering is also desirable. 
In addition to research, the successful applicants will be 
expected to contribute to creating a fertile and exciting 
intellectual environment, participate and help with the 
organisation of a weekly seminar with invited external 
speakers from Europe and overseas, and help in organising 
and hosting regular international scientific events. There 
will also be opportunities to recruit and co-supervise masters 
and doctoral students, interact with local industry and with 
the general public through outreach activities. 

Tallinn and Taltech

Tallinn, a historically important Hansa trading port has its 
charming old town listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. 
In recent years it has become one of the fastest-growing IT 
hubs and one of the most active startup scenes in Europe.
The working languages at Taltech are Estonian and English.

Further details and application procedure

Compensation will competitive wrt to European standards, and 
commensurate with experience. The positions will start on a 
mutually agreeable date from September 2019 and last for two 
years, with the possibility of an extension.

Interested candidates are invited to contact Pawel Sobocinski 
(pawel at cs.ioc.ee) for any questions. To apply, the candidate 
should send a CV, a research statement (maximum 3 pages) and 
the names and contact details of two people who can be 
contacted for a reference to pawel at cs.ioc.ee by June 21, 2019.

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