[TYPES/announce] YR-CONCUR 2019 (Amsterdam, co-located with CONCUR 2019) - DEADLINE EXTENDED

Christian Roldán croldan at dc.uba.ar
Fri Jun 21 05:12:28 EDT 2019

[Deadline Extended: Please distribute widely - apologies for multiple
9th International Young Researchers Workshop on Concurrency Theory
(satellite workshop of CONCUR 2019) URL: https://yr
Submission deadline (NEW):
***Friday, June  28, 2019***
========================================================== Aims and
objectives: This workshop aims at providing a platform for PhD students and
young researchers who recently completed their doctoral studies, to
exchange new results related to concurrency theory and receive feedback on
their research. Focus is on informal discussions. Excellent master students
working on concurrency theory are also encouraged to contribute. Format: YR-
CONCUR 2019 is a satellite workshop of CONCUR 2019 and will be held on
Saturday, August 31th, 2019. It is anticipated that many CONCUR
participants will attend the YR-workshop (and vice versa). Presentations
are selected on the basis of an abstract of up to 4 pages (incl.
references) describing the research. No particular format is required.
Submissions are judged on the expected interest in and quality of the talk.
The accepted abstracts will be made available at the workshop, but no
formal proceedings are planned. It is thus also allowed (and encouraged) to
send results that have been published at other conferences (although
preferably not at CONCUR 2019 or any of its other satellite workshops).
Important Dates: - Deadline for 4-page abstracts (extended): June 28, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: July 19, 2019 - Final version: August 16,
2019 - Workshop: August 31, 2019 Submission: 4-page abstracts (including
references) should be submitted via the YR-CONCUR 2019 submission page on
EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yrconcur2019 Organizers
and PC Chairs: - Jeroen Keiren (Eindhoven University of Technology,
Netherlands) - Christian Roldán (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Program Committee: - Carla Ferreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Jeroen Keiren (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) - Sophia
Knight (University of Minnesota Duluth, USA) - Julien Lange (University of
Kent, UK) - Christian Roldán (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) -
Jurriaan Rot (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) - Valeria
Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
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