[TYPES/announce] Open PhD position : Type systems for resource analysis

Flavien Breuvart breuvart at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Tue Jul 9 06:54:13 EDT 2019

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a PhD candidate to work on the CoGITARe ANR-JCJC 
Project (https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~breuvart/CoGITARe) which intends 
to study the analysis of resources for functional programming languages 
via the inference of non-standard type systems. The student will be 
supervised by Flavien Breuvart and Damiano Mazza in the laboratory LIPN 
of the University Paris 13.

More detailed are displayed in the attached description.

Any student with taste for at least one of the major theories involved 
(type theory, abstract interpretation and denotational semantics) is 
welcome to candidate.

Deadline for applications: August 15th 2019

We would be grateful if you could bring this opportunity to the 
attention of suitable candidates. Thank you very much in advance for 
your help.

Best regards,

Flavien Breuvart
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