[TYPES/announce] PhD position in homotopy type theory at Birmingham

Nicolai Kraus nicolai.kraus at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 11:08:19 EDT 2019

*** PhD position in homotopy type theory ***

Dear all,

I would like to invite applications for a fully-funded PhD position at the
University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science. The prospective
student will work with me on a topic in the area of (homotopy) type theory
and/or (higher dimensional) category theory; details can be discussed. The
position cannot start earlier than October.

The stipend consists of 15009 GBP per annum, free from tax or other
reductions, for full four years. It covers all tuition fees (UK/EU level)
and includes a very generous travel budget to attend conferences,
workshops, and other research meetings. The stipend is provided jointly by
the Royal Society [1] and the University of Birmingham.

The theory group at Birmingham's School of Computer Science [2] is
exceptionally strong and very active. The group organises regular seminars
and informal meetings. Many relevant international events regularly take
place in Birmingham such as YaMCATS, MGS, and Unimath schools.

If you are interested in applying, please contact me (
nicolai.kraus at gmail.com). You do not need to have a concrete research
proposal ready, but please let me know what your academic background is (in
particular with respect to type theory, category theory, general maths). We
can then discuss potential topics and the further application process.
General information on PhD studies in Birmingham can be found online [2],
but please do not yet fill out the online application form; contact me
first by email.

Please also distribute this advertisement to candidates that might be

Best wishes

[1] https://royalsociety.org/
[2] http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/admissions/postgraduate-research/
[3] http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/groupings/theory/
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