[TYPES/announce] Call for contributions - Fun With Formal Methods

Shilov Nikolay shiloviis at mail.ru
Tue Sep 17 04:44:01 EDT 2019

The Third Workshop "Fun With Formal Methods" (FWFM-2019, http://persons.iis.nsk.su/en/FWFM19) will take place in October 2019 (a day from 14 to 20) in Innopolis University (near Kazan, Russia)
The workshop will be a satellite event of TOOLS 50+1 - "Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems" (October 14-20, 2019, http://tools2019.innopolis.ru/).
The day of the workshop will be settled later (by October 7, 2019) to meet wishes of all speakers (but the most probable date is Thursday October 17, 2019).
Distance participation is welcome! The workshop will be streamed! (The media for distance participation and streaming will be set in advance by October 8, 2019.)
Call for Papers
The primary purpose of the workshop series on Fun With Formal Methods (FWFM) is to popularize and disseminate the best practice of popularization of Formal Methods. Not an exhaustive list of topics of FWFM follows:
* fascinating examples of use of FM in SE;
* simple but interesting educational examples of FM;
* FM for puzzles, games and entertainment;
* FM and programming contests;
* FM elsewhere (outside software and hardware);
* everything and anything related to popularization of FM.
* Submission deadline: October 1, 2019
* Notification deadline: October 8, 2019
* Version of accepted papers for dissemination at the workshop: October 13, 2019
* Workshop program on-line: October 8, 2019
Program Committee:
* Hamna Aslam (Innopolis University, Russia)
* Joseph Brown (Innopolis University, Russia)
* Natalia Garanina (Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia)
* Lidiya Gorodnyaya (Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia)
* Nikolay V. Shilov (Innopolis University, Russia) - organizer (contact by e-mail shiloviis(at)mail.ru)
Invited Speakers: TBD (still:-(
Submission and Publication Plans
Extended abstracts and/or papers on topics related to FWFM are solicited. There is no any strict limit for page number or style, but it is recommended to be in range 2-4 pages for extended abstracts and 4-16 pages for papers. (Single column, single interval, font not less than 12 for review convenience.)
All submitted paper will be reviewed by Program Committee and selection of accepted papers will based on relevance, quality, (partly) originality and FUN of the submitted papers. Papers already published somewhere are also welcome but must make it explicit their publication status.
All submissions should be via EasyChair conference system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fwfm2019) We plan to publish informal proceedings before the workshop and disseminate them among participants at the workshop. Post-proceedings publication is subject to decide on base of quality and number of the original submissions. (Recall that we welcome papers already published somewhere.)
Registration - via the web-page of the main conference TOOLS 50+1. 
(Please don't be scared by registration fee: just submit an abstract/paper and wait , because we are working with perspective sponsors to reduce the fee. Distance participation will be free!)
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