[TYPES/announce] 3Yr Post-doc, String Constraints, Royal Holloway, London

Hague, Matthew Matthew.Hague at rhul.ac.uk
Tue Sep 24 12:02:27 EDT 2019

Research Assistant Position in Verification at Royal Holloway, 
University of London

# Overview

Royal Holloway, University of London is looking for a postdoctoral 
research assistant to work on the EPSRC-funded project "String 
Constraint Solving with Real-World Regular Expressions" (EP/T00021X/1).

Term: fixed, 3 years
Expected start date: Oct 2019 - Jan 2020
Salary: £35,931 to £42,456 per annum - including London Allowance 

# Project and Application Background

The successful applicant will contribute to the development of 
constraint satisfaction algorithms for string constraints using 
"real-world" regular expressions. That is, regular expressions using 
features such as capture groups and back-references that are not 
normally considered by theoretical research. In addition, the handling 
of length constraints represents a significant challenge.

The work will build upon the OSTRICH tool 
(https://github.com/uuverifiers/ostrich), which will be integrated with 
the JavaScript symbolic execution framework ExpoSE 

Ideal applicants will have a strong background in computer science or 
related areas and experience in at least one of logic, algorithms, 
programming language theory/implementation, formal language theory, and 
formal verification.

# Research Environment

The project is led by Dr. Matthew Hague 
(https://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/home/hague) in the Department of Computer 
Science. It will proceed in close collaboration with Prof. Dr.  Johannes 
Kinder (Bundeswehr University Munich), Prof. Dr.  Anthony W.  Lin 
(Kaiserslautern), and Dr. Philipp Rümmer (Uppsala). In addition, we will 
also collaborate with Prodo.dev in London.

# Contact

For informal enquiries please contact matthew.hague at rhul.ac.uk.

To apply, please visit https://jobs.royalholloway.ac.uk.

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