[TYPES/announce] PhD Student Position in Programming Language Engineering

Eelco Visser eelcovis at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 10:35:05 EDT 2019

The TU Delft Department of Software Technology has an open position for a
PhD student in the Programming Languages group in the area of Language

## Job Description

The Spoofax team at TU Delft is pursuing a broad research program to
develop a language workbench that supports high-level declarative language
definition, the generation of programming environments (including editors,
parsers, type checkers, and interpreters/compilers) from language
definitions, and the (automated) verification of properties of language
definitions and their implementations.

One line of research in this program is concerned with the formalization of
the name binding rules in programming languages. To that end, the group has
developed a theory of name resolution based on scope graphs, and applied it
in the design and implementation of a meta-language for static semantics.
In dynamic semantics, scope graphs provide a uniform model for memory at
runtime and serve as the basis for intrinsically-typed definitional
interpreters, enabling the automatic verification of type soundness.

We are seeking a PhD student to join the Spoofax team to further develop
the theory and application of scope graphs. In particular, we are
interested in the use of scope graphs to define binding-aware program
transformations, and the optimization of definitional interpreters using
scope graphs.

We are looking for a versatile candidate who can contribute to the
development of theoretical foundations, design new meta-languages,
implement and integrate languages and libraries in the language workbench,
and evaluate the new techniques in language design case studies.

For more information see the publications on scope graphs (
https://researchr.org/bibliography/tud-pl-scope-graphs/publications) and
the Spoofax website (http://metaborg.org).

## Requirements

We are looking for an excellent candidate with the following
qualifications, knowledge, and skills:

- A master's degree (or equivalent) in computer science

- A strong and demonstrable interest in program languages and language
engineering, including experience with language engineering topics such as
compiler construction, type checking, and definitional interpreters.

- A strong commitment to research: turn insights about programming
languages and software development into generalizable and elegant theory
and solutions; investigate the state-of-the-art/literature; evaluate ideas
and solutions against relevant and motivating examples from software
engineering practice.

- A strong commitment to turning theory into software and demonstrable
software engineering skills (with object-oriented and functional
programming languages) to realize that.

- Independent, self-motivated, reliable, and eager to learn.

- Ability to work in a project team and take leadership and responsibility
for different research tasks.

- An excellent command of English and good academic writing and
presentation skills.

## Details

The starting date for the position could be as soon as December 1, 2019.

For more information see


and/or contact me directly via e.visser at tudelft.nl

-- Eelco Visser

Professor of Computer Science, TU Delft
https://eelcovisser.org | https://pl.ewi.tudelft.nl/
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