[TYPES/announce] CoqPL 2020: Deadline extended to 27 Oct

Robbert Krebbers types-announce at robbertkrebbers.nl
Thu Oct 24 04:39:07 EDT 2019


                           CoqPL 2020

                 6th International Workshop on Coq
                    for Programming Languages
              January 25, 2020, co-located with POPL
                     New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

                    CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS



Workshop Overview

The series of CoqPL workshops provide an opportunity for programming 
languages researchers to meet and interact with one another and members 
from the core Coq development team. At the meeting, we will discuss 
upcoming new features, see talks and demonstrations of exciting current 
projects, solicit feedback for potential future changes, and generally 
work to strengthen the vibrant community around our favorite proof 
assistant. Topics in scope include:

- General purpose libraries and tactic language extensions
- Domain-specific libraries for programming language formalization and 
- IDEs, profilers, tracers, debuggers, and testing tools
- Reports on ongoing proof efforts conducted via (or in the context of) 
the Coq proof assistant
- Experience reports from Coq usage in educational or industrial contexts

Workshop Format

The workshop format will be driven by you, members of the community. We 
will solicit abstracts for talks and proposals for demonstrations and 
flesh out format details based on responses. We expect the final program 
to include experiment reports, panel discussions, and invited talks 
(details TBA). Talks will be selected according to relevance to the 
workshop, based on the submission of an extended abstract.

To foster open discussion of cutting edge research which can later be 
published in full conference proceedings, we will not publish papers 
from the workshop. However, presentations may be recorded and the videos 
may be made publicly available.

Submission details

Submission page: https://coqpl20.hotcrp.com/

Submission:   Sunday, October, 27 2019.
Notification: Monday, November 18, 2019.
Workshop:     Saturday, January 25, 2020.

Submissions for talks and demonstrations should be described in an 
extended abstract, between 1 and 2 pages in length (excluding the 
bibliography). We suggest formatting the text using the two-column ACM 
SIGPLAN latex style (9pt font). Templates are available from the ACM 
SIGPLAN page: http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author.

Program Committee


- Robbert Krebbers, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- Assia Mahboubi, Inria, France & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the 

Program Committee:

- Delphine Demange, Univ. Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA, France
- Christine Rizkallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Michael Soegtrop, Intel Deutschland GmbH, Germany
- Eric Tanter, University of Chile & Inria Paris, Chile
- Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University, USA
- Joseph Tassarotti, Boston College, USA
- Viktor Vafeiadis, MPI-SWS, Germany
- Stephanie Weirich, University of Pennsylvania, USA

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