[TYPES/announce] [PLNL'19] Call for talk proposals (deadline November 18) - Programming Languages in the Netherlands, 12-12-2019, Radboud University

Peter Achten P.Achten at cs.ru.nl
Tue Nov 12 10:46:09 EST 2019


                             PLNL 2019

             2nd Workshop on Programming Languages
                      in The Netherlands
                  Thursday, December 12, 2019
           Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

                     CALL FOR TALK PROPOSALS


Workshop Overview
After the succesfull launch of this new workshop series, PLNL'18, we are 
happy to invite you to give a presentation or attend the second edition. 
The purpose of PLNL is to bring together researchers in the area of 
programming languages in the Netherlands. The workshop targets 
programming language research in the broad sense, included but not 
limited to the design, implementation, theory, application, and teaching 
of programming languages.

Workshop Format
The workshop will consist of a number of contributed talks. These talks 
should provoke discussion and/or questions --- we strive to have 
interactive talks with plenty of discussion by the audience.

Coffee and lunch breaks will provide the opportunity to network with 
your colleagues and to meet new people. Junior researchers and senior 
researchers are equally welcome, and both are encouraged to submit a 
talk proposal.

Researchers that are not from the Netherlands, but for example, from 
neighboring countries like Belgium or Germany, are also welcome to 
attend. The language of the workshop is English.

Participation is free, but you will need to register. The deadline for 
registration is December 5, 2019.

To register, please visit https://forms.gle/p1Pn3UnBycQH6zyr6

Submission details
Submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=plnl19

Submission:   Monday, November 18, 2019.
Notification: Monday, November 25, 2019
Workshop:     Thursday, December 12, 2019.

Submissions for talk proposals should be described in an abstract of at 
most 300 words. Proposals do not need to represent original work. It is 
fine to propose to talk about (recently) published work.

Pieter Koopman (pieter at cs.ru.nl)
Peter Achten   (P.Achten at cs.ru.nl)

Program Committee
- Pieter Koopman     Radboud University
- Peter Achten       Radboud University
- Robbert Krebbers   Delft University of Technology
- Wouter Swierstra   University of Utrecht
- Eelco Visser       Delft University of Technology

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