[TYPES/announce] Researchers, Computer Science, Aarhus University
Bas Spitters
b.a.w.spitters at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 11:14:18 EST 2019
Concordium Blockchain Research Center Aarhus (COBRA) is looking to fill
several full-time research positions to work at Computer Science, Aarhus
We are looking for:
PhD students
Assistant Professors (Tenure Track)
Associate Professors
We are hiring within the following topics:
Algorithmic game theory / Mechanism design / Tokenomics
Anonymous credentials
Blockchain technology
Consensus protocols for blockchains
Cryptographic security models
Distributed databases
Distributed systems
Efficient Implementation of Cryptography
Formally verified cryptographic primitives
Formal verification of cryptographic protocols, including blockchain and
secure multiparty computation
Game theoretic analysis of cryptographic protocols and blockchains
Privacy-enhancing technologies
Robust peer-to-peer systems
Secure multiparty computation for blockchains
Smart contract analysis
Smart contract language design
Smart contract semantics
Smart contract verification
Zero-knowledge protocols / zkSNARKs
As part of your daily work at COBRA you will interact with several
world-leading research groups from Computer Science and Engineering at
Aarhus University. At the same time you will be given the opportunity to
work in close collaboration with both the Science team and Tech team of
Concordium Foundation [https://concordium.com/]. The Concordium Foundation
is building and implementing a next generation, open source, science based,
perpetually cutting-edge blockchain. This gives a unique possibility of
doing free fundamental research, but at the same time see your research
applied in practice when relevant.
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