[TYPES/announce] Lecturer/ADUS at Harvard University

Stephen Chong chong at seas.harvard.edu
Wed Nov 20 23:41:58 EST 2019

Hi all,
  Harvard Computer Science is seeking a Lecturer/Assistant Director of 
Undergraduate Studies. A great candidate would be someone passionate 
about teaching and mentoring and excited to build a diverse and 
inclusive Undergraduate Computer Science community at Harvard.

Key responsibilities are:

- Teach (or co-teach) one undergraduate Computer Science course per 
- Join and help lead the Computer Science Undergraduate Advising team 
(which includes mentoring and advising undergraduate students and 
developing materials, initiatives, and ev​ents to foster a welcoming 
and inclusive Harvard Computer Science community.)

The job posting is at https://tiny.cc/harvardadus.

Any questions, feel free to contact Steve Chong 
<chong at seas.harvard.edu>.

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