[TYPES/announce] Call for contributions to PLDI co-located events

Wickerson, John P j.wickerson at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Jan 14 05:18:08 EST 2020

PLDI 2020 is going to have some very exciting co-located events this year. Do consider submitting your work and/or attending some of them! 

We've got three terrific co-hosted conferences...

* HOPL (the 4th History of Programming Languages conference) which produces accurate historical records and descriptions of programming language design, development, and philosophy. (https://hopl4.sigplan.org/)

* ISMM (the 19th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management) is a premier forum for research and solicits full-length submissions covering a wide range of topics related to memory management. (Deadline 28 Feb; https://conf.researchr.org/home/ismm-2020)

* LCTES (Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems) provides a link between the programming languages and embedded systems engineering communities. Researchers and developers in these areas are addressing many similar problems but with different backgrounds and approaches. (Deadline 28 Feb; https://conf.researchr.org/home/LCTES-2020)

... as well as eight excellent workshops...

* The Ally Skills workshop teaches simple everyday ways for allies to use their privilege and influence to support groups that are commonly the subject of discrimination or prejudice. All are welcome! (https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/allyskills-PLDI-2020)

* The ARRAY workshop invites all to the exchange of ideas between communities involved in the design, implementation, optimization and use of array-oriented languages and libraries for various applications. (Deadline 1 Apr; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/ARRAY-2020)

* The BAPL (Build Automation and Programming Languages) workshop brings together build automation experts and programming language designers to explore incremental analysis, building, testing, packaging and deployment of software. (Deadline 15 Mar; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/bapl-2020)

* The first edition of the Infer Practitioners Workshop gathers together developers and researchers working with the Infer static analysis platform. We welcome contributed technical talks around a range of Infer-related topics. (Deadline 4 May; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/infer2020)

* The MAPL (Machine learning and Programming Languages) workshop seeks papers on a diverse range of topics related to programming languages and machine learning.  It aims to bring together programming language and machine learning communities to encourage collaboration and exploration in areas of mutual benefit. The workshop will include a combination of peer-reviewed papers and invited events. (Deadline 20 Mar; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/mapl-2020)

* The PLMW at PLDI (Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop) brings together world leaders in programming languages research and teaching from academia and industry to provide technical sessions on cutting-edge PL research and mentoring sessions on how to prepare for a research career. (Apply for scholarship by 13 Mar; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-PLDI-2020)

* The REMS-DeepSpec Workshop provides a forum for researchers interested in foundational specifications and rigorous engineering of mainstream systems and their components. (Deadline 19 Mar; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/rems-deepspec-2020)

* SOAP (State Of the Art in Program analysis) is a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest ideas, developments and approaches to techniques, frameworks, and applications for program analysis and related areas. (Deadline 23 Mar; https://pldi20.sigplan.org/home/SOAP-2020)

...and four fabulous tutorials...

* "Declarative Language Definition with Spoofax" (Eelco Visser). This tutorial provides an introduction to declarative language definition with the Spoofax language workbench with a focus on syntax definition with declarative disambiguation and type system specification with scope graph constraints. (https://pldi20.sigplan.org/details/pldi-2020-tutorials/3/Declarative-Language-Definition-with-Spoofax)

* "Design Space Exploration" (Matthew Feldman, Artur Souza, Luigi Nardi, Kunle Olukotun). This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to design space exploration (DSE) using a plug-and-play framework, dubbed HyperMapper, that makes it easy for compiler/hardware designers to explore their search spaces. (https://pldi20.sigplan.org/details/pldi-2020-tutorials/1/Design-Space-Exploration)

* "Programming Quantum Computers: A Primer with IBM Q and D-Wave Exercises" (Frank Mueller). This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to quantum computing with IBM-Q programming experiences featuring architecture, programming, and algorithms for quantum computing. (https://pldi20.sigplan.org/details/pldi-2020-tutorials/2/Programming-Quantum-Computers-A-Primer-with-IBM-Q-and-D-Wave-Exercises)

* "Programming for Autonomy" (Amit Chopra, Munindar P. Singh). This tutorial presents novel abstractions for specifying and programming decentralized systems, making connections with programming models for IoT and distributed ledgers and protocol languages such as session types. (https://pldi20.sigplan.org/details/pldi-2020-tutorials/4/Programming-for-Autonomy)


The PLDI 2020 Organisers

Dr John Wickerson
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College London

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