[TYPES/announce] PhD positions in programming languages in LFCS/University of Edinburgh

James Cheney james.cheney at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 11:08:30 EST 2020

LFCS and the School of Informatics more broadly is home to academic staff
members with interests across the range of PL research topics.  Recently
several new academic staff members working on programming languages topics
have joined the School and are actively seeking PhD students for funded
projects starting in the 2021-22 academic year (or earlier subject to

A representative sample of our current research interests and (where
available) funded projects is listed below.

* Dr. Ohad Kammar (ohad.kammar at ed.ac.uk)
  - My research is in programming language theory, and applications of
logic and category theory. I'm also interested in the intersection of
programming language foundations and statistical modelling and data
science, sometimes known as probabilistic programming or differentiable

* Dr. Sam Lindley (Sam.Lindley at ed.ac.uk)
  - interests: effect handlers, session-typing, meta programming,
programming language design, functional programming, type systems, semantics
  - funded project: effect handler oriented programming

* Dr. Elizabeth Polgreen (elizabeth.polgreen at ed.ac.uk)
  - interests: synthesis engines, especially syntax-guided; applications of
synthesis, for example in software engineering, verification, robotics, or
other engineering disciplines

* Dr. Amir Shaikhha (amir.shaikhha at ed.ac.uk)
  - interests: Compilation-based systems for universal data analytics
(machine learning and analytical databases), using domain-specific
languages, differentiable, and probabilistic programming.

* Dr. Michel Steuwer (https://michel.steuwer.info/)
  - Interests:
  Domain Specific Compilers, Compilers for Machine Learning, Machine
Learning for Compilers,
  Programming Languages for GPUs and Accelerators, Program Optimizations
via Rewriting

* Prof. Phil Wadler:
  - funded project: Verifying smart contracts for Blockchain (

* Dr. James Cheney (jcheney at inf.ed.ac.uk)
  - databases, language-integrated query, type inference, metaprogramming,
provenance, verification

In addition to funded projects listed above, funding is potentially
available centrally from the School, from doctoral training centres such as
the School's Cyber Security and trust DTC.  Depending on nationality
additional funding applications and deadlines may apply.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact potential supervisors
directly in addition to consulting the School's general information about
applications: https://www.ed.ac.uk/informatics/postgraduate/applT
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