[TYPES/announce] POPL 2021 - Talks are live! - Second Call for Participation

Michael Greenberg michael.greenberg at pomona.edu
Fri Jan 8 14:19:11 EST 2021

POPL 2021 Call for Participation (https://popl21.sigplan.org/)

  Important Dates:
    Sun 10          Jan 2021 Early registration ends
    Sun 17 - Tue 19 Jan 2021 Co-located events
    Wed 20 - Fri 22 Jan 2021 POPL

  General chair: Andreas Podelski
  Program chair: Azadeh Farzan
  Organizing committee: https://popl21.sigplan.org/committee/POPL-2021-organizing-committee
  PC members: https://popl21.sigplan.org/committee/POPL-2021-research-papers-program-committee

  Talk videos:     https://app.clowdr.org/conference/popl2021
                   LIVE and PUBLIC
  Accepted papers: https://popl21.sigplan.org/track/POPL-2021-research-papers#event-overview
  Program:         https://popl21.sigplan.org/program/program-POPL-2021
  Registration:    https://regmaster.com/2021conf/POPL21/register.php

# POPL videos are live

Whether or not you register, you can watch all of the POPL talks on

Browse the five-minute "lightning" talks, watch the full thirty-minute
talks, and check out the student videos in the SRC. All talks offer

# How to POPL in 2021

  Detailed information: https://popl21.sigplan.org/venue/POPL-2021-venue

POPL 2021 was set to be in Copenhagen, Denmark. Instead, it’ll be on
the Clowdr virtual conference platform. You can register now, with
early registration until January 10th (just two days from now). A
discounted option is available on the registration page for those
unable to pay the full registration fee.

## When does the conference take place?

POPL 2021 will take place from Wednesday, January 20th through Friday,
January 22nd. Co-located events will start on Sunday, January 17th.

Asynchronous chat will open no later than January 16th, and it will
remain open after the conference for at least one month.

Live events (including social times) will take place in a narrow time
band: 15:15 through 20:00 in Copenhagen’s timezone, Central European
Time (CET), which is GMT+1.. Co-located events will also use this time
band (from 15:30 to 20:00, to be precise).

Each day of the conference, you can attend dedicated social times,
plenary sessions (invited talks, awards, etc.), and parallel sessions
(two tracks at a time). The plenary and parallel sessions will be
broadcast (i.e., a livestream).

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