[TYPES/announce] Special Issue on Confluence - Mathematical Structures in Computer Science - Extended deadline

Mauricio Ayala-Rincon ayala at unb.br
Thu Jan 21 08:46:43 EST 2021

Special Issue on Confluence in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science


This Special Issue on Confluence aims to publish recent advances 
presented at, but not restricted to leading conferences and workshops 
such as IWC (collocated with FSCD in recent editions: FLoC 2018, FSCD 
2019, Paris Nord Summer of LoVe 2020). Submissions of papers related to 
aspects of confluence such as commutation, ground confluence, nominal 
confluence, completion, CP criteria, decidability, complexity, system 
and tool descriptions, certification, and applications of confluence, 
are welcome. All submissions will pass a thorough and rigorous reviewing 
process, according to the standards of MSCS. The reviewing process of 
each paper will start as soon as it is submitted, and  accepted papers 
will undergo production before being published online in MSCS.

Submissions should be submitted to the ScholarOne system here:

When submitting your paper please select the Special Issue on 
"Confluence" from the drop-down list on the ScholarOne system, as thisis 
the only way the papers can be correctly tagged for this special issue.

Guest Editors:
Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (Universidade de Brasília),  ayala(at)unb.br 
Samuel Mimram (LIX, École Polytechnique), 

Deadline: 1st March 2021

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