[TYPES/announce] Post-doc position (2 years) on monitoring and verification of smart systems (deadline 18/3/21)

Emilio Tuosto emilio.tuosto at gssi.it
Fri Feb 26 06:51:00 EST 2021

A post-doctoral position funded by the IT MATTERS project 
(http://itmatters.imtlucca.it/) on methods and tools for trustworthy 
smart systems is available at the Gran Sasso Science Institute 

Duration: 2 years
Annual gross salary: € 36.000,00
Details at: 

Short description of the position
The successful candidate will develop runtime-monitoring and software 
model-checking techniques for “smart systems”, that is, autonomous 
systems taking context-dependent decisions. The research activities will 
involve developing frameworks that can deal with the distributed nature 
of smart systems and will build on existing work on specification-based 
monitoring and software model-checking of cyber-physical systems. The 
postdoctoral researcher will also devise techniques to use information 
derived from the runtime analysis to guide the software-model-checking 
effort and to refine the models of the runtime environment used in model 


Luca Aceto (luca.aceto at gssi.it)
Omar Inverso (omar.inverso at gssi.it)
Emilio Tuosto (emilio.tuosto at gssi.it)

          Emilio Tuosto

          Computer Science
          Gran Sasso Science Institute
          Viale F. Crispi, 7
          67100 L'Aquila (Italy)
          Office: Palazzo Mariani P1-N
          Phone: +39 0862 428 0312

          homepage -> https://cs.gssi.it/emilio.tuosto/


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