[TYPES/announce] PLDI 2021 Student Research Competition (SRC)

Guha, Arjun a.guha at northeastern.edu
Mon Mar 1 11:59:19 EST 2021

Deadline: March 22 2021
Venue: Online
More Information: https://pldi21.sigplan.org/track/pldi-2021-SRC

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft Research,
offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their
original research on programming language design, implementation, theory,
applications, and performance at PLDI 2021. The goal is to give students a
place to discuss their research with experts in their field and to help them
sharpen their research and communication skills.

Eligibility criteria

Participants must have current student status, either graduate or
undergraduate, at the time of the submission deadline. Participants in the SRC
must also be current ACM (student) members.


Winners of the three top places in each category receive prizes of $500 for the
first place winner, $300 for the second place winner and $200 for the third
place winner, respectively.

The top three undergraduate and graduate winners receive an award medal and a
one-year complimentary ACM student membership with a subscription to ACM's
Digital Library.

ACM SRC Grand Finals

First place winners in each category will be invited to participate in the ACM
SRC Grand Finals, an online round of competition between first-place SRC
winners from different ACM conferences held in 2021. Grand Finals will be
judged by an ACM-appointed panel of judges. Winners of the three top Grand
Finals places in each category will receive additional prizes of $500 for the
first place winner, $300 for the second place winner and $200 for the third
place winner, respectively. They will be also invited to the annual ACM Award
Banquet along with prestigious ACM award winners, including the winner of the
Turing Award.

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