[TYPES/announce] LFMTP 2021 - 2nd call for papers

Elaine Pimentel elaine.pimentel at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 15:08:25 EDT 2021


                           Call for papers

 Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice

                            LFMTP 2021

                        Pittsburgh, USA, 16 July 2021

                         Affiliated with CADE-28



        Abstract submission deadline: 19 April 2021

        Paper submission deadline: 26 April 2021

Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common substrate for

representing, implementing and reasoning about a wide variety of

deductive systems of interest in logic and computer science. Their

design, implementation and their use in reasoning tasks, ranging from

the correctness of software to the properties of formal

systems, have been the focus of considerable research over the last two

decades. This workshop will bring together designers, implementors and

practitioners to discuss various aspects impinging on the structure and

utility of logical frameworks, including the treatment of variable

binding, inductive and co-inductive reasoning techniques and the

expressiveness and lucidity of the reasoning process.

LFMTP 2021 will provide researchers a forum to present state-of-the-art

techniques and discuss progress in areas such as the following:

* Encoding and reasoning about the meta-theory of programming languages,

  logical systems and related formally specified systems.

* Theoretical and practical issues concerning the treatment of variable

  binding, especially the representation of, and reasoning about,

  datatypes defined from binding signatures.

* Logical treatments of inductive and co-inductive definitions and

  associated reasoning techniques, including inductive types of higher

  dimension in homotopy type theory

* Graphical languages for building proofs, applications in geometry,

  equational reasoning and category theory.

* New theory contributions: canonical and substructural frameworks,

  contextual frameworks, proof-theoretic foundations supporting

  binders, functional programming over logical frameworks,

  homotopy and cubical type theory.

* Applications of logical frameworks: proof-carrying architectures, proof

  exchange and transformation, program refactoring, etc.

* Techniques for programming with binders in functional programming

  languages such as Haskell, OCaml or Agda, and logic programming

  languages such as lambda Prolog or Alpha-Prolog.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: Monday   April 19

Submission deadline:          Monday   April 26

Notification to authors:      Monday   May 31

Final version due:            Monday   June 14

Workshop date:                Friday   July  16


In addition to regular papers, we welcome/encourage the submission of

"work in progress" reports, in a broad sense. Those do not need to report

fully polished research results, but should be of interest for the

at large. Submitted papers should be in PDF, formatted using the EPTCS
style guidelines. The length is restricted to 15 pages for regular papers

8 pages for "Work in Progress" papers.  Submission is via EasyChair:



A selection of the presented papers will be published online in the

Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).

Invited Speakers

*  Giselle Reis (CMU-Qatar)

*  Matthieu Sozeau (Inria)

Program Committee

* David Baelde (LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay & Inria Paris)

* Roberto Blanco (MPI-SP)

* Alberto Ciaffaglione (University of Udine)

* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (University of Bologna)

* Marina Lenisa (Università degli Studi di Udine)

* Dennis Müller (Friedrich-Alexander-University)

* Michael Norrish (CSIRO)

* Elaine Pimentel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) co-chair

* Ulrich Schöpp (fortiss GmbH)

* Kathrin Stark (Princeton University)

* Aaron Stump (The University of Iowa)

* Nora Szasz (Universidad ORT Uruguay)

* Enrico Tassi (Inria) co-chair

* Alwen Tiu (The Australian National University)

* Tjark Weber (Uppsala University)

Enrico & Elaine.
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