[TYPES/announce] PhD Position at U. Oslo: Formal Methods for Probabilistic Programs

Einar Broch Johnsen einarj at ifi.uio.no
Wed Mar 17 04:48:01 EDT 2021

PhD position available at the University of Oslo
Topic: Formal methods for probabilistic programs
Application deadline 15 May 2021

We have a PhD position available on formal methods for probabilistic programs at Uni. Oslo with an all-star team of international collaborators including Andrzej Wasowski, Alexandra Silva and Ina Schaefer. 

This is an exciting position for candidates interested in combining logic, statistics and programming in their PhD research, and who have enjoyed topics such as foundations of programming languages, probability theory and statistics, executable models and operational semantics, formal methods and concurrency theory. 

More information:

Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
einarj at ifi.uio.no

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