[TYPES/announce] PhD Position in Programming Languages at TU Delft

Casper Bach Poulsen casperbp at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 05:41:23 EDT 2021

Dear all,

I have an opening for a 4 year PhD position in the Programming Languages
Group at Delft University of Technology.

The PhD position is about defining and implementing typed programming
languages in a modular way.

The ideal candidate will have experience with one or more of the following
- functional programming
- monads and/or algebraic effects and handlers
- programming language engineering (interpreters/compilers/type

The full ad (link below) contains suggestions for topics that can be
explored as part of the PhD.  But the topic is not limited to the
suggestions in the ad.  Get in touch if you are interested in doing
research on defining and implementing typed programming languages,


The deadline for application is 2 June 2021, and the ideal start date is
around September.

Best regards,

Casper Bach Poulsen
Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology
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