[TYPES/announce] Postdoc position at the LIP laboratory, ENS de Lyon, France

Damien Pous Damien.Pous at ens-lyon.fr
Mon May 10 10:10:17 EDT 2021

The LIP laboratory, located at the ENS de Lyon in France, is offering a 1
year post-doc position in computer science, starting on the 1st September
2021. Candidates should have a PhD and a strong background in one of the
subjects studied in the LIP. (Please refer to http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/ for
details.) The salary will depend on the successful candidate's prior
research experience with a guaranteed minimum of 2300 EUR/month before

An application consists of a single PDF file containing:
- a CV including a full list of publications; and
- a research project that in particular proposes a mentor in one of the
research teams of the LIP.

Inside the LIP laboratory, the Plume team
http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/PLUME/?page_id=7 could be of particular interest
to the readers of the types and fom mailing lists (logic, semantics, formal

The application should be sent by email to russell.harmer at ens-lyon.fr and
nicolas.trotignon at ens-lyon.fr by the 30th May, 23:59 UT. Reference letters
should be sent directly by email to the same addresses with the same

With best regards,
Damien Pous
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