[TYPES/announce] Seminar talk by Georg Moser on Automated Analysis of Splaying et al. (SCOT seminar)

Baillot Patrick patrick.baillot at ens-lyon.fr
Thu May 13 06:18:39 EDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

    The recently started web Seminar on Semantic and Formal Approaches 
to Complexity (SCOT) can be of interest to some members of the Types 
community. The next talk will be given by Georg Moser:

* Tuesday May 18th 2021, 3pm-4pm (CEST). *Georg Moser *(University of 
Innsbruck). *Title*: Automated Analysis of Splaying et al.
( the virtual room will open at 2:40 for coffee/chat)

Abstract: Being able to argue about the performance of self-adjusting 
data structures such as splay trees has been a main objective, when 
Sleator and Tarjan introduced the notion of *amortised* complexity. 
Analysing these data structures requires sophisticated potential 
functions, which typically contain logarithmic expressions. Possibly for 
these reasons, and despite the recent progress in automated resource 
analysis, they have so far eluded automation.
    In this talk, I will report on the first fully-automated amortised 
complexity analysis of self-adjusting data structures and the underlying 
theory. Following earlier work, the analysis is based on potential 
function templates with unknown coefficients.
This is joint work with Lorenz Leutgeb, David Obwaller and Florian Zuleger.

* *Connexion informations:* To get the connexion link please subscribe 
to the mailing list; for that send an email with subject "subscribe 
scot_webinar" and empty body to sympa at groupes.renater.fr

**About the seminar:*
The SCOT Seminar is devoted to the problem of reasoning on the 
complexity of programs in formal and compositional ways. Many approaches 
have been exploited for that, taking advantage from logic, category 
theory, denotational semantics, type systems, interpretations, etc. This 
seminar aims at providing a forum of discussion for all issues related 
to these questions, from foundational aspects on semantics of complexity 
to automated time or space complexity analysis. The seminar is held 
virtually and on a monthly basis.

Best regards
For the seminar:
Isabel Oitavem, Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago

Seminar web page: http://www.cs.unibo.it/~dallago/SCOSEM/
The list's homepage: https://groupes.renater.fr/sympa/info/scot_webinar
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