[TYPES/announce] Call for papers: 21st IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2021)

Serebrenik, Alexander a.serebrenik at tue.nl
Mon Jun 7 04:21:16 EDT 2021

Apologies for cross-posting - Please forward to anybody who might be interested.
21st IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
September 27-September 28, 2021 - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg / Virtual


Call for Research Papers: <http://www.ieee-scam.org/2020/#call> http://www.ieee-scam.org/2021/#cfpresearchtrack

Call for RENE Track Papers: http://www.ieee-scam.org/2021/#cfprenetrack

Call for Engineering Papers: <http://www.ieee-scam.org/2020/#engcall> http://www.ieee-scam.org/2021/#cfpengtrack

Call for New Ideas and Emerging Results: http://www.ieee-scam.org/2021/#cfpniertrack

Call for Joint Artifact Evaluation Track (ICSME, VISOFT, SCAM): http://www.ieee-scam.org/2021/#cfpaetrack

Important Dates

(All submission dates are at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12).

Research track:

Abstract Submission: June 21st, 2021

Conflict Declaration: June 21st - June 28h, 2021

Paper Submission: June 28th, 2021

Reviews due Date: July 26th, 2021

Paper Discussion: July 27th - August 1st, 2021

Author Notification: August 2nd, 2021

Camera Ready: August 9th, 2021

RENE, Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Results Tracks :

Abstract Submission: July 26st, 2021

Paper Submission: August 2nd, 2021

Reviews due Date: August 16th, 2021

Paper Discussion: August 16th - August 20th, 2021

Author Notification: August 20th, 2021

Camera Ready: August 27nd, 2021

Joint Artifact Evaluation Track:

ICSME, VISSOFT, SCAM all tracks deadlines:

Artifact Submission: August 27th, 2021

Author Notification: September 17th, 2021

SCAM aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on theory, techniques and applications which concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of computer systems. For the purpose of clarity ‘source code’ is taken to mean any fully executable description of a software system. It is therefore so-construed as to include machine code, very high level languages and executable graphical representations of systems. The term ‘analysis’ is taken to mean any automated or semi automated procedure which takes source code and yields insight into its meaning. The term ‘manipulation’ is taken to mean any automated or semi-automated procedure which takes and returns source code.

We are currently accepting submissions for different tracks of the 21st IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (IEEE SCAM 2021). Conference proceedings will be published by IEEE CS and made available through the IEEE Digital Library.

Tracks (see the detailed list of topics of interest below):

  *   Research (10 pages + 2 pages for bibliographic references only): contributions on theory, techniques, and applications that concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of software systems.

  *   Engineering (6 pages): papers that discuss the innovations and solutions to practical problems that researchers and practitioners face in source code analysis and manipulation of software systems.

  *   Replication and Negative Results (RENE, 10 pages + 2 pages for bibliographic references only): for papers reporting (1) replications of previous empirical studies (including controlled experiments, case studies, and surveys) and (2) important and relevant negative or null results (i.e., results that failed to show an effect, but help to eliminate useless hypotheses.

  *   New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER, 5 pages): present, discuss, and polish early-stage research. This early-stage research should be innovative and have the potential to make a strong future impact on the research or practice of software engineering.

  *   Artifact Evaluation Track: The combined AE track will introduce the artifact evaluation for the first time to SCAM! Authors of (short and long) papers accepted in the ICSME, SCAM, or VISSOFT 2021 are invited to submit their artifacts for evaluation to the ICSME 2021 Joint Artifact Evaluation Track.

How to Submit to SCAM 2021

Papers must conform to the IEEE proceedings paper format guidelines. Templates in Latex and Word are available on IEEE's website. All submissions must be in English. All authors, reviewers, and organizers are expected to uphold the IEEE Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may lead to a (desk) rejection of the paper.

We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Submitted papers must adhere to the following rules:

  *   Author names and affiliations must be omitted. (The track co-chairs will check compliance before reviewing begins.)

  *   References to authors' own related work must be in the third person. (For example, not "We build on our previous work..." but rather "We build on the work of...")

If the program chairs find that authors did not respect the rules of double-blind review they can decide to (desk) reject the paper.

The papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scam2021

Topics of interest of SCAM include, but are not limited to:

  *   abstract interpretation

  *   bad smell detection

  *   bug location and prediction

  *   clone detection

  *   concern, concept, and feature localization and mining

  *   decompilation

  *   energy efficient source code

  *   natural language analysis of source code artifacts

  *   program comprehension

  *   program slicing

  *   program transformation and refactoring

  *   repository, revision, and change analysis

  *   security vulnerability analysis

  *   source level metrics

  *   source level optimization

  *   source-level testing and verification

  *   static and dynamic analysis

Additional information can be found on the conference website: http://www.ieee-scam.org/2021/

Organizing Committee
General Chair

  *   Alexander Serebrenik<https://www.win.tue.nl/~aserebre/>, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Research Track Program Co-Chairs

  *   Venera Arnaoudova<https://www.veneraarnaoudova.com/>, Washington State University, USA

  *   Ben Hermann<https://thewhitespace.de/>, Technical University Dortmund, Germany

Engineering Track Program Co-Chairs

  *   Behnaz Hassanshahi<https://labs.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=labs:bio:0:2193>, Oracle Labs, Australia

  *   Vadim Zaytsev<https://grammarware.net/>, University of Twente, The Netherlands

RENE Track PC Co-chairs

  *   Bonita Sharif<https://www.shbonita.me/>, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA

  *   Heike Wehrheim<https://www.uni-paderborn.de/en/person/573/>, Paderborn University, Germany

New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) co-chairs

  *   Maleknaz Nayebi<http://www.maleknazn.com/>, York University, Canada

  *   Yannic Noller<https://yannicnoller.github.io/>, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Most Influential Paper Co-chairs

  *   Arpad Beszedes<http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~beszedes/eng/index.html>, University of Szeged, Hungary

  *   Dawn Lawrie<https://hltcoe.jhu.edu/researcher/dawn-lawrie/>, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Publicity Chair

  *   Camelia Serban<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Camelia_Serban3>, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

Finance Chair

  *   Dave Binkley<http://www.cs.loyola.edu/~binkley/>, Loyola University Maryland, USA

Social Media Co-Chairs

  *   Engineer Bainomugisha<http://ibaino.net/>, Makerere University, Uganda

  *   Keheliya Gallaba<https://keheliya.github.io/>, McGill University, Canada

Virtualization Co-chairs

  *   Sarah Fakhoury <https://sarahfakhoury.com/> , Washington State University, USA

  *   Daniel Alencar da Costa<https://danielcalencar.github.io/>, University of Otago, New Zealand

Web Chair

  *   Nathan Cassee<https://cassee.dev/>, Eindhoven Unversity of Technology, The Netherlands

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