[TYPES/announce] Postdoc Position at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada

Gaboardi, Marco gaboardi at bu.edu
Mon Jun 21 12:16:10 EDT 2021

The announcement below may be relevant for people interested in Rust, ownership types, and verification looking for a postdoc position.


Steve Ko (Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, https://steveyko.github.io/) is looking for a postdoc with a background in programming languages and/or software engineering. The postdoc will work on a research project that explores verification for mobile systems software using the Rust language combined with symbolic execution and other verification tools. The project is being done in collaboration with Marco Gaboardi (Associate Professor at Boston University in Boston, USA, http://cs-people.bu.edu/gaboardi/). The postdoc will be the main lead of the project and potentially work with a group of PhD/MS/undergraduate students. The expected duration of the position is two years. Interested applicants are encouraged to send their CV directly to Steve Ko at steveyko at sfu.ca.

 - Steve

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