[TYPES/announce] Workshop on Verification of Probabilistic Programs (VeriProP 2021) - Call for Presentations and Participation

Benjamin Kaminski benjamin.kaminski at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Jun 23 11:06:44 EDT 2021

The Workshop on Verification of Probabilistic Programs (VeriProP 2021), co-located with CAV 2021, aims to bring together researchers interested in the tool-supported verification of probabilistic programs, models, and systems. This includes probabilistic model checking, program verification in the presence of a source of randomness, or formal guarantees for statistical machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems.

The program will consist of invited and contributed presentations. 

Invited Speakers

 - Guy van den Broeck
 - Michael Carbin
 - Maria Gorinova
 - Laura Kovacs

Important Dates and Submission

Submission date: Monday, July 5
Notification date: Wednesday, July 7
Workshop: Monday, July 19
Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=veriprop2021

For contributed presentations, we solicit *short presentations of 10 minutes* either on ongoing research or giving an overview of past research.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 - Symbolic approaches to the verification of Markov models
 - Exact inference techniques
 - Abstract interpretation for probabilistic programs
 - Domain-specific probabilistic programming languages
 - Verification of inference algorithms
 - Automation of deductive approaches to verifying probabilistic programs-
 - Probabilistic program reasoning in safety, security, or privacy
 - Synthesis of probabilistic programs

We call for extended abstracts (1-2 pages in pdf format) describing either ongoing research or an overview of past research in the workshop’s scope. We welcome abstracts covering work that has been previously published or is currently under review. There will be no formal proceedings.

More information can be found here: https://veriprop.github.io/2021


This workshop will be held *fully online* on July 19th, 2021, as a satellite event of the 33st International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV). 

The workshop is chaired by:

 - Fredrik Dahlqvist, University College London
 - Sebastian Junges, UC Berkeley
 - Benjamin Kaminski, University College London
 - Christoph Matheja, ETH Zürich

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