[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers: VMCAI 2022

Thomas Wies wies at cs.nyu.edu
Mon Aug 9 14:47:33 EDT 2021

Call for Papers

           [Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

                                CALL FOR PAPERS

  23rd International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and 

                                   VMCAI 2022
                              January 16-18, 2022

*Call for Papers*
VMCAI 2022 is the 23rd International Conference on Verification, Model 
Checking, and Abstract Interpretation. The conference will be held on 
January 16-18, 2022, in Philadelphia, PA, United States. VMCAI provides 
a forum for researchers from the communities of Verification, Model 
Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, facilitating interaction, 
cross-fertilization, and advancement of hybrid methods that combine 
these and related areas.

The program of VMCAI 2022 will consist of refereed research papers as 
well as invited lectures and tutorials. Research contributions can 
report new results as well as experimental evaluations and comparisons 
of existing techniques.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
Program Verification
Model Checking
Abstract Interpretation
Abstract Domains
Program Synthesis
Static Analysis
Type Systems
Deductive Methods
Program Logics
First-Order Theories
Decision Procedures
Horn Clause Solving
Program Certification
Separation Logic
Probabilistic Programming and Analysis
Error Diagnosis
Detection of Bugs and Security Vulnerabilities
Program Transformations
Hybrid and Cyber-physical Systems
Concurrent and distributed Systems
Analysis of numerical properties
Analysis of smart contracts
Analysis of neural networks
Case Studies on all of the above topics

Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including concurrent, 
constraint, functional, imperative, logic, and object-oriented programming.

*Important Dates AoE (UTC-12)*
September 2th, 2021: Paper submission
October 7th, 2021: Notification
November 15th, 2021: Camera-ready version due

Conference Submission Link

Submissions are required to follow Springer's LNCS format. The page 
limit depends on the paper's category (see below). In each category, 
additional material beyond the page limit may be placed in a clearly 
marked appendix, to be read at the discretion of the reviewers and to be 
omitted in the final version. Formatting style files and further 
guidelines for formatting can be found at the Springer website:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines__;!!IBzWLUs!G-t6f2vig9M0Kz-NC6XPoLwn_cVfNSUUdV24GHgU79cCG_WIWXdkZC33ibHGYkSv5k2Jj7UiPTYSwg$ .
Submission link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vmcai2022__;!!IBzWLUs!G-t6f2vig9M0Kz-NC6XPoLwn_cVfNSUUdV24GHgU79cCG_WIWXdkZC33ibHGYkSv5k2Jj7XgsyKl6g$ 
Accepted papers will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science series.

There will be three categories of papers: regular papers, tool papers 
and case studies. Papers in each category have a different page limit 
and will be evaluated differently.

Regular papers clearly identify and justify an advance to the field of 
verification, abstract interpretation, or model checking. Where 
applicable, they are supported by experimental validation. Regular 
papers are restricted to 20 pages in LNCS format, not counting references.

Tool papers present a new tool, a new tool component, or novel 
extensions to an existing tool. They should provide a short description 
of the theoretical foundations with relevant citations, and emphasize 
the design and implementation concerns, including software architecture 
and core data structures. A regular tool paper should give a clear 
account of the tool's functionality, discuss the tool's practical 
capabilities with reference to the type and size of problems it can 
handle, describe experience with realistic case studies, and where 
applicable, provide a rigorous experimental evaluation. Papers that 
present extensions to existing tools should clearly focus on the 
improvements or extensions with respect to previously published versions 
of the tool, preferably substantiated by data on enhancements in terms 
of resources and capabilities. Authors are strongly encouraged to make 
their tools publicly available and submit an artifact. Tool papers are 
restricted to 12 pages in LNCS format, not counting references.

Case studies are expected to describe the use of verification, model 
checking, and abstract interpretation techniques in new application 
domains or industrial settings. Papers in this category do not 
necessarily need to present original research results but are expected 
to contain novel applications of formal methods techniques as well as an 
evaluation of these techniques in the chosen application domain. Such 
papers are encouraged to discuss the unique challenges of transferring 
research ideas to a real-world setting and reflect on any lessons 
learned from this technology transfer experience. Case study papers are 
restricted to 20 pages in LNCS format, not counting references.(Shorter 
case study papers are also welcome.)

VMCAI 2022 allows authors to submit an artifact along with the paper. 
Artifacts are any additional material that substantiates the claims made 
in the paper, and ideally makes them fully replicable. Submitting an 
artifact is encouraged but not required. Artifact submissions are due 
one week after the paper submission deadline. The artifact will be 
evaluated in parallel with the submission by the artifact evaluation 
committee (AEC). The AEC will read the paper and evaluate the artifact 
on the following criteria:
- consistency with and replicability of results in the paper,
- completeness,
- documentation, and
- ease of use.
More information will be available on the conference webpage:

*Invited Speakers*

- Isil Dillig, UT Austin, United States
- Javier Esparza, TU Munich, Germany
- Thomas A. Henzinger, IST Austria

*Organizing Committee*

Program Chairs:
- Bernd Finkbeiner, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany
- Thomas Wies, New York University, United States

Artifact Evaluation Chair:
- Mark Santolucito, Barnard College, Columbia University, United States

Publicity Chair:
- Ruzica Piskac, Yale University, United States

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