[TYPES/announce] New Software Foundations release

Benjamin Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Wed Aug 25 22:53:00 EDT 2021

Just in time for Fall courses... the Software Foundations team is pleased
to announce a new release of all six titles in the SF series
<http://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu> of formally verified textbooks
on programming languages and formal reasoning about programs.

   - Volume 1: Logical Foundations
   - Volume 2: Programming Language Foundations
   - Volume 3: Verified Functional Algorithms
   - Volume 4: QuickChick: Property-Based Testing in Coq
   - Volume 5: Verifiable C
   - Volume 6: Separation Logic Foundations

This release is compatible with Coq 8.13 and includes improvements to
notations, several new chapters in the Verifiable C volume, and many, many
other additions and refinements.


    - Benjamin
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