[TYPES/announce] Call for short submissions - PSSV-2021: Workshop Program Semantics, Specification and Verification (hybrid format)

Shilov Nikolay shiloviis at mail.ru
Thu Sep 9 05:05:56 EDT 2021

PSSV-2021: XII Workshop Program Semantics, Specification and Verification (Theory and Applications) 
is planned to be held in hybrid mode online (using Zoom) 
and offline (at Innopolis University,   https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://innopolis.university/en/__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZKN1tVQyg$  )
on Thursday and Friday November 4-5, 2021
PSSV-2021 workshop' page:   https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://persons.iis.nsk.su/en/pssv21__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZIIgYXoEA$ 
PSSV Scope and Topics
Research, work in progress, position and student papers were welcome. List of topics of interest includes (but is not limited to):
* formalisms for program semantics
* formal models and semantics of programs and systems
* semantics of programming and specification languages
* formal description techniques
* logics for formal specification and verification
* deductive program verification
* automatic theorem proving
* model checking of programs and systems
* static analysis of programs
* formal approach to testing and validation
* program analysis and verification tools
PSSV-2021 Program Committee:
* Thomas Baar (University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Germany)
* Vladimir Itsykson (St. Petersburg State Polytech. University, Russia)
* Andrei Klimov (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia)
* Igor Konnov (Informal Systems, Austria)
* Victor Kuliamin (Institute for System Programming, Moscow, Russia)
* Alexei Lisitsa (University of Liverpool, UK)
* Irina Lomazova (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia)
* Manuel Mazzara (Innopolis University, Russia)
* Dmitry Mordvinov (St. Petersburg State University and JetBrains Research, Russia)
* Sergey Staroletov (Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia),
* Nina Yevtushenko (Tomsk State University and Institute for System Programming, RAS, Moscow, Russia).
PSSV-2021 Program Co-Chairs:
* Nikolay Shilov (Innopolis University, Russia, shiloviis(at)mail.ru)
* Vladimir Zakharov (Moscow State University, Russia, zakh(at)cs.msu.su)
Invited Sessions and Speakers
* Invited session devoted to the anniversary the achievements of Professor Alexander K. Petrenko, Head of the Software Engineering Department of Institute for System Programming Russian Academy of Sciences (SED ISP RAS)
  ** Alexander K. Petrenko: The position of formal methods in nowadays software industrial development
  ** Victor V. Kuliamin: Formal Security Models
  ** Alexander S. Kamkin: High-Level Synthesis of Computing Systems: Motivation, Challenges, and Existing Solutions
* Host session: talks from Innopolis University
  ** Nikolai D. Kudasov: Nameless and scope-safe (de Bruijn notation as a nested datatype)ms: Sound, Expressive, Fast.
* More session(s) and speaker(s) may be added soon.
(Please refer h https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://persons.iis.nsk.su/en/pssv21*invited__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZK4-sgLOQ$    for more information about invited sessions, speakers and their talks.) 
Submission and Publication
The submission Web page for PSSV-2021:via EasyChair ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pssv2021__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZIWuK33Dg$  )
Program Committee solicits 
* regular research submissions in the form of an extended detailed abstract (6-8 pages in English, LNCS style recommended) to be reviewed by 3 PC members;
* work in progress, position, poster and student research reports in the form of extended abstract (3-4 pages in English, LNCS style recommended) to be reviewed by a PC member. a PC member.
Right now Easy Chair submission page   https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pssv2021__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZIWuK33Dg$    is open for regular paprs.
Selected revised and extended papers will be published (after the workshop) in the Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mais-journal.ru__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZKDj9m7nw$  ), a Russian peer-review journal where PSSV selected and revised papers are published since the very first edition of the workshop in 2010. (See for example Vol 27, No 4 (2020) at   https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mais-journal.ru/jour/issue/view/124/showToc__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZLUnZpjIQ$    with selected and revised papers of PSSV-2020.)
We expect (as it was in the previous years of the PSSV) that English translations of some of these selected papers will appear next year in Automatic Control and Computer Sciences( https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.springer.com/computer/hardware/journal/11950__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZIjUQG_7Q$  ) (indexed by WoS and Scopus).
Important dates:
* regular research submissions (extended detailed abstracts) - Sunday September 26, 2021
* short submissions (abstracts of work in progress, position papers, etc.) - start - Sunday October 10, 2021, end - Sunday October 17, 2021
* notification for ALL submissions - Sunday October 24, 2021
* workshop (hybrid) - Thursday and Friday November 4-5, 2021
* invitations of selected talks to post-proceedings - Sunday November 7, 2021
* papers for the post-proceedings - Sunday November 14, 2021
* notification for the post-proceedings papers - around the end of November, 2021
Dr. Nikolay Shilov
Assistant Professor of Innopolis University (Russia) —  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://innopolis.university/professor/nikolay-shilov/__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZK6dGbPsg$  , 
personal web-page —   https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://persons.iis.nsk.su/en/person/shilov__;!!IBzWLUs!BDvOi8schEL0XUvu9uvUjwVyRNGgWGo4cW2dMHrY1V-oM3wb5-EMz9S3DaXjTJIwpgidqZKbsQXWSA$ 
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