[TYPES/announce] FMCAD 2021 Call for Participation

Michael Whalen mwwhalen at umn.edu
Mon Sep 13 11:44:16 EDT 2021

Apologies for multiple postings.

The 21th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided
Design (FMCAD) will be held from October 19 to October 22, 2021.

The conference will be held virtually.  Registration is free, but
obligatory to attend the conference: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fmcad.org/FMCAD21/registration/__;!!IBzWLUs!EcfV-6iX-NWJGvnojGFbT5NyAGGnhgNsgDf-KKSQafklWKMeMXGDZwOEnJ7PeNlfY-TCWb8n8Ip1XQ$ 


International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)


FMCAD Tutorial Day:             October 19, 2021

FMCAD Regular Program:      October 20-22, 2021

Co-Chairs: Ruzica Piskac and Michael Whalen


FMCAD'21 is the 21st in a series of conferences on the theory and
applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD
provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for
presenting and discussing ground-breaking methods, technologies,
theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing
systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design
including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing.


The program comprises presentations of 30 papers, 4 tutorials and 3
keynotes, a student forum, and a sponsors’ night:


Short presentations will be given on Zoom and longer versions of the talks
will be made available for download.


Barbara Liskov

“From Viewstamped Replication to Blockchains”

Seny Kamara

“Algorithms for the People”

Peter Sewell

“Engineering with Full-scale Formal Architecture: Morello, CHERI, Armv8-A,
and RISC-V”


Frits Vaandrager

“Active Automata Learning: from L* to L#”

Viktor Kunčak

“Stainless Verification System Tutorial”

Rayna Dimitrova

“Reactive Synthesis Beyond Realizability”

Matteo Maffei

“Formal Methods for the Security Analysis of Smart Contracts”


Financial support: Amazon Web Services, Amazon Prime Video, Intel, Cadence,
Centaur, Synopsys, Galois, Novi.

Technical Co-Sponsor: IEEE

Supported by the FMCAD Association (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fmcad.or.at__;!!IBzWLUs!EcfV-6iX-NWJGvnojGFbT5NyAGGnhgNsgDf-KKSQafklWKMeMXGDZwOEnJ7PeNlfY-TCWb_k2x__wg$ )
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