[TYPES/announce] AIPLANS Workshop at NeurIPS 2021 (Advances in Programming Languages and Neurosymbolic Systems)
Breandan Considine
breandan.considine at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 16:52:15 EDT 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings! We are pleased to announce the first annual AIPLANS workshop, to
be held this December 14th at NeurIPS 2021. AIPLANS will feature exciting
new research on the frontiers of programming language theory, mechanized
reasoning, and neural-symbolic learning. For illustrative purposes, we
welcome submissions related to one the following areas:
Mechanized reasoning
- Induction of formal languages (e.g., grammar inference, automata
- Programing language theory (e.g., type theory, category theory,
denotational semantics)
- Satisfiability checking and symbolic computation (e.g. SAT/SMT solving,
Boolean circuits)
- Logic and equational reasoning (e.g., λ-calculus, π-calculus, tensor and
combinator calculi)
Machine learning
- Neural program synthesis (e.g., search-based, syntax or execution-guided)
- Bayesian program learning (e.g., higher-order probabilistic programming)
- Neural-symbolic reasoning (e.g., automated program verification and
- Neural program extraction (e.g., procedural or relational knowledge
- Inference algorithms (e.g., backpropagation, belief propagation, survey
propagation et al.)
Programming language implementation
- Natural language programming (e.g., machine teaching, programming by
- Declarative programming (e.g., tabled LP, ILP, constraint programming et
- New programming languages for reasoning (e.g., LF/Twelf, HOL, miniKanren,
L∃∀N, et al.)
- New programming languages for learning (e.g., Dex, Hasktorch,
Torch-Struct, et al.)
If you or someone you may know is working on one of these topics, we would
be very glad to have your/their participation! Our call for papers will
close Oct. 4th, 2021 AoE. AIPLANS is non-archival and allows dual
submission where permitted by a third-party. Further details may be found
at the following URL:
AIPLANS is also seeking qualified reviewers working in these or related
areas. If you would be interested in helping review workshop submissions,
please consider filling out and submitting this form and one of the
organizers will be in touch with you shortly:
Should you have any inquiries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to
reach out to us officially at aiplans2021 at gmail.com or contact one of the
organizers and we would be eager to assist. Thank you for your
consideration. On behalf of all of us at AIPLANS, we are excited to hear
about your research and look forward to your participation!
Best regards,
Breandan Considine
On behalf of the AIPLANS organizers: Disha Shrivastava, David Yu-Tung Hui,
Chin-Wei Huang and Shawn Tan
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