[TYPES/announce] NWPT 2021 call for contributions - deadline 10 October

Tarmo Uustalu tarmo at cs.ioc.ee
Sun Sep 26 16:51:19 EDT 2021

NWPT is a series of annual regional-scope workshops on programming
theory, targeted especially at younger researchers. In 2020, the
workshop had been scheduled to take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, but
had to be cancelled (postponed) because of the pandemic.

As the epidemiological situation in Iceland is currently relatively
good, NWPT 2021 is now going ahead at short notice as a hybrid
meeting, the circumstances permitting.  

We hope this will be a nice opportunity especially for our PhD
students and postdocs to attend a real physical workshop and present
their work and to meet their colleagues from elsewhere in the Nordic
countries - after a break of 1.5 years.


        32nd Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, NWPT '21

          Reykjavik, Iceland and online, 4-6 November 2021

Important dates

Submission of abstracts 10 October
Notification 17 October

About NWPT

The NWPT series of annual workshops is a forum bringing together
programming theorists from the Nordic and Baltic countries, but also
from elsewhere.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

  - semantics of programming languages,
  - programming language design and programming methodology,
  - programming logics,
  - formal specification of programs,
  - program verification,
  - program construction,
  - tools for program verification and construction,
  - program transformation and refinement,
  - real-time and hybrid systems,
  - models of concurrency and distributed computing,
  - model-based testing,
  - language-based security.

Contributed talks

Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are requested to submit
abstracts of 2-3 pages (pdf, printable on A4 paper, typeset with LaTeX
with easychair.cls) through EasyChair
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nwpt2021__;!!IBzWLUs!CCsFzUAOG9muZEhPCn_-T4nulo_qdlW9weyvoJvmwyDp8qmCG4AsEUPCFde4FV42xQY18mluJ2YMyg$ ) by 10 October. Work
in progress as well as abstracts of manuscripts submitted for formal
publication elsewhere are permitted.

The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available
electronically before the workshop. By submitting to EasyChair you
agree that your abstract will be publicly available. Moreover, you as
an author are responsible for the content.

Social program

We are planning a trip/hike to the currently active Geldingadalir



Antonis Achilleos, Elli Anastasiadi, Dylan McDermott, Tarmo Uustalu

Travel to Iceland

This may change, but at the moment anyone fully vaccinated or
recovered from Covid can enter the country without any restriction of
movement after arrival, but needs to present a negative result from a
PCR or rapid antigen test taken before departure (not older than 72


Further information

More details will appear at this url:


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