[TYPES/announce] LAFI'22: Call for Extended Abstracts

Jean-Baptiste Tristan tristanj at bc.edu
Mon Oct 4 10:26:09 EDT 2021


                 Call for Extended Abstracts

                          LAFI 2022
         POPL 2022 workshop on Languages for Inference

                        January 16, 2022

           Submission deadline on October 15, 2021!


***** Submission Summary *****

Deadline: October 15, 2021 (AoE)

Link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lafi22.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!EblON11v6Mr_Vei-AMBXILrwoGO6ruiSlv34VHX8MrsrIH4QUItahBAnXFf32dbHLqsReIFdF5Zxzg$ 

Format: extended abstract (2 pages + references)

***** Call for Extended Abstracts *****

Inference concerns re-calibrating program parameters based on observed
data, and has gained wide traction in machine learning and data science.
Inference can be driven by probabilistic analysis and simulation, and
through back-propagation and differentiation. Languages for inference offer
built-in support for expressing probabilistic models and inference methods
as programs, to ease reasoning, use, and reuse. The recent rise of
practical implementations as well as research activity in inference-based
programming has renewed the need for semantics to help us share insights
and innovations.

This workshop aims to bring programming-language and machine-learning
researchers together to advance all aspects of languages for inference.
Topics include but are not limited to:


   design of programming languages for inference and/or differentiable

   inference algorithms for probabilistic programming languages, including
   ones that incorporate automatic differentiation;

   automatic differentiation algorithms for differentiable programming

   probabilistic generative modeling and inference;

   variational and differential modeling and inference;

   semantics (axiomatic, operational, denotational, games, etc) and types
   for inference and/or differentiable programming;

   efficient and correct implementation;

   and last but not least, applications of inference and/or differentiable

We expect this workshop to be informal, and our goal is to foster
collaboration and establish common ground. Thus, the proceedings will not
be a formal or archival publication, and we expect to spend only a portion
of the workshop day on traditional research talks. Nevertheless, as a
concrete basis for fruitful discussions, we call for extended abstracts
describing specific and ideally ongoing work on probabilistic and
differential programming languages, semantics, and systems.

***** Submission guidelines *****

Submission deadline on October 15, 2021 (AoE)

Submission link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lafi22.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!EblON11v6Mr_Vei-AMBXILrwoGO6ruiSlv34VHX8MrsrIH4QUItahBAnXFf32dbHLqsReIFdF5Zxzg$ 

Anonymous extended abstracts are up to 2 pages in PDF format, excluding

In line with the SIGPLAN Republication Policy, inclusion of extended
abstracts in the program is not intended to preclude later formal

Jean-Baptiste Tristan
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Boston College
Website <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jtristan.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!EblON11v6Mr_Vei-AMBXILrwoGO6ruiSlv34VHX8MrsrIH4QUItahBAnXFf32dbHLqsReIGCQYrqaQ$ >
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