[TYPES/announce] IE Webinar (Oct 8): Thriving as a doctoral student in informatics

Kit Wan Chui kitwan.chui at informatics-europe.org
Sun Oct 3 15:36:12 EDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to participate to our *next Informatics Europe 
webinar* on 8 October (Friday):

*Thriving as a doctoral student in informatics**

Date: 8 October 2021, 10:30-12:00 CET


Prof. Dr. Geraldine Fitzpatrick, TU Wien, Austria

Prof. Dr. Austen Rainer, Queen’s University Belfast, UK


Register for the free webinar: 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.informatics-europe.org/survey/index.php/357277/lang-en__;!!IBzWLUs!BD1YCTBl_b8prEiPy9LH0Wr-znjaEZQ555vTCijLP24AMrgHpuVkbA2en7Iw-eKTTRgE5lAQofwVfQ$ >

Webinar details:

Informatics Europe wants to support and grow a thriving community of 
European PhD researchers and invites you to contribute to defining and 
growing this community.

  * Meet like-minded PhD students from across Europe
  * Network
  * Share challenges and experiences
  * Learn from each other
  * Influence Informatics Europe’s action in this area

What are your challenges as a PhD student, especially in COVID times? 
What experiences can you share that would help others in a similar 
situation? What additional support would you find useful?

Here are some examples of challenges PhD students face during their studies:

  * Doing the research itself (literature reviews, theory, methodology,
    critical thinking),
  * Engaging with management (managing their time, managing their
  * Collaborating with others e.g., co-authorship, proper credit for
    their contributions,
  * Engaging wider stakeholders (e.g., participation recruitment).
  * Looking after yourself, especially as a result of COVID

In this webinar, we provide space for facilitated, small group 
discussion with feedback.

The webinar is co-led by Prof. Dr. Geraldine Fitzpatrick and Prof. Dr. 
Austen Rainer: two experienced Informatics academicsas well as 
facilitators of Informatics Europe’s Academic Leadership Development Course.

We look forward to meeting you at our webinar!

Yours sincerely,

Informatics Europe

/*This webinar is part of the Informatics Europe webinar series offered 
by IE since September 2021. These live webinars are hosted by 
distinguished keynote speakers. They are free webinars, open to all who 
have registered for participation through our webpage 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.informatics-europe.org/activities/webinars.html__;!!IBzWLUs!BD1YCTBl_b8prEiPy9LH0Wr-znjaEZQ555vTCijLP24AMrgHpuVkbA2en7Iw-eKTTRgE5lApgDNk7g$ >.
Recorded versions will also be available later on our YouTube channel 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkorVL6sDa4nMWjxV2JtVg__;!!IBzWLUs!BD1YCTBl_b8prEiPy9LH0Wr-znjaEZQ555vTCijLP24AMrgHpuVkbA2en7Iw-eKTTRgE5lCXEa4UaA$ >.

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