[TYPES/announce] Final CFP: Workshop on Gradual Typing 2022

Siek, Jeremy jsiek at indiana.edu
Tue Oct 5 09:47:51 EDT 2021

Second ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Gradual Typing (WGT) to be held on
January 16th, 2022 in Philadelphia co-hosted with POPL.

Important dates

* Submission deadline: Monday, October the 18th, 2021
* Notification: Sunday, November the 28th, 2021
* Workshop: Sunday, January the 16th, 2022


The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Gradual Typing is a venue for
disseminating the latest results on the integration of
compile-time and run-time checking of program invariants, such as
the integration of static and dynamic type checking. The workshop
serves as an incubator for ideas, open problems, and manuscripts:
it is a place where the community can meet, discuss, and give
each other constructive feedback. The workshop will encourage
participation from researchers in both academia and industry,
drawing people from the many active projects on both sides of the

Criteria and proceedings

We expect the workshop to be informal since its goals are to
exchange information, foster collaboration, and establish common
ground. This is why not only new results, but also unfinished
work with stimulating ideas, or visionary work proposing new
research tracks will be welcome. The Program Committee will thus
prioritize novelty and timeliness over presentation quality. We
also expect authors to use the workshop as a testbed for their
work before submitting a polished version of it to mainstream ACM
conferences. Thus, the proceedings will not be a formal or
archival publication but they will be made available online right
before the workshop.


Submission site: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://wgt22.hotcrp.com__;!!IBzWLUs!HqN0wNKF-xZr74__-lfFKI_39Xp2kMsnHPtEWnQR8-8DbM3Pm_wm2POAzi3GiN_IJxtcbnnzggDAVQ$ 

Authors are invited to submit unpublished manuscripts using the
site above. Submissions must be in pdf and have no more than 25
pages of text, excluding bibliography, using the new ACM
Proceedings format for PACMPL. However, we hope to receive also
much shorter submissions typically of 5-10 pages. Why such a
stark difference in lengths? We think that 5-10 pages are all you
need to expose your unbaked topic or your brilliant idea you want
present at the workshop, but we do not want authors of a polished
work to be obliged to cut their article just for presenting their
results at WGT.

PACMPL templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX can be found at the
[SIGPLAN author information page](https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm__;!!IBzWLUs!HqN0wNKF-xZr74__-lfFKI_39Xp2kMsnHPtEWnQR8-8DbM3Pm_wm2POAzi3GiN_IJxtcbnkudOtSVw$ ).
In particular, authors using LaTeX should use the acmart-pacmpl-template.tex
file (with the acmsmall option).

Submitted papers must adhere to the
[SIGPLAN Republication Policy](https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.sigplan.org/republicationpolicy.htm__;!!IBzWLUs!HqN0wNKF-xZr74__-lfFKI_39Xp2kMsnHPtEWnQR8-8DbM3Pm_wm2POAzi3GiN_IJxtcbnmxPhytHg$ )
and the
[ACM Policy on Plagiarism](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism-overview__;!!IBzWLUs!HqN0wNKF-xZr74__-lfFKI_39Xp2kMsnHPtEWnQR8-8DbM3Pm_wm2POAzi3GiN_IJxtcbnlQCiggXA$ ). Concurrent submissions to other
conferences, workshops, journals, or similar forums of
publication are not allowed.

Program Committee

* Giuseppe Castagna (co-organizer, CNRS and Université de Paris, France)
* Dominique Devriese (Vrije University Brussel, Belgium)
* Jana Dunfield (Queen's University, Canada)
* Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
* Limin Jia (Carnegie Melon University, USA)
* Andrew Kennedy (Facebook, UK)
* Bruno Oliveira (University of Hong Kong, HK)
* Cyrus Omar (University Michigan, USA)
* Jeremy G. Siek (co-organizer, Indiana University, USA)
* Peter Thiemann (University of Freiburg, Germany)
* Matías Toro (University of Chile, Chile)
* David Van Horn (University of Maryland, USA)
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