[TYPES/announce] Multiple open positions (postdoc, PhD, intern) on runtime verification at CEA LIST, France

Julien Signoles julien.signoles at cea.fr
Fri Oct 8 11:09:52 EDT 2021

Dear all,

The Software Safety and Security Lab at CEA LIST (Université 
Paris-Saclay, France) is opening 2 postdoc, 1 PhD, and 1 internship 
positions in the area of runtime verification for code safety and security:

- postdoc: Designing Compilation Techniques for Improving Efficiency of 
E-ACSL, a Runtime Assertion Checker for C Programs

- postdoc: Control Flow Integrity for Remote Attestation

- PhD: Outline Runtime Assertion Checking (possibly preceded by an 
internship on the same topic if needed)

- internship: C Function Synthesis from Axiomatic Definitions (in 
French, please ask for an English version)

The candidates will:
- solve challenging research problems;
- implement their results in Frama-C, an industrial-strength open-source 
framework for analyses of C code;
- evaluate their solutions on concrete benchmarks or/and use cases;
- publish their results in international conferences and journals.

Strong knowledge in at least one of the following areas is always 
- programming: OCaml and C, semantics of programming languages, ...
- formal verification: runtime verification, static analysis, ...
- compilation: code generation, program transformation, type system, ...

Interested applicants should send a CV and a motivation letter to Julien 
Signoles (julien dot signoles at cea dot fr) as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Julien Signoles

Researcher-engineer                         |  Scientific advisor
CEA LIST, Software Safety and Security Lab  |  Department of Software and System Engineering
Julien.Signoles at cea.fr                       |tel:(+33)

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