[TYPES/announce] Postdoc and PhD Positions in Formal Verification, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Ralf Kuesters ralf.kuesters at sec.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Nov 25 12:20:20 EST 2021

The Institute of Information Security at University of Stuttgart offers

fully-funded Postdoc and PhD positions in formal verification.

Successful candidates are expected to carry out research on 
tool-supported formal verification methods for security-critical systems 
and security protocols in our new REPROSEC initiative 
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://reprosec.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!Fc7vmmR7YaZkgwYbe-vQa2le2Vs3ovRzwFO5LWpHUB2jPr_xZQ7Ne8BIW5oBzWAV9AEK7WVa3vUEGg$ ). See, e.g., our work at ACM CCS 2021 and EuroS&P 
2021 on DY*.

The positions are available immediately with an internationally 
competitive salary (German public salary scale TV-L E13 or TV-L E14, 
depending on the candidate's qualification, ranging from about 4.000 
Euro to 6.200 Euro monthly gross salary).  The employment periods are 
between one and six years, following the German 
Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVg).

The Institute of Information Security offers a creative international 
environment for top-level international research in Germany's high-tech 

You should have a Master's degree or a Ph.D. (or should be very close to 
completion thereof) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Cyber Security, or 
a related field. We value excellent analytical skills and

- solid knowledge of logic, proofs and/or formal verification techniques 
(Theorem Proving, Type Checking, etc.), and
- solid programming experience.

Knowledge in cryptography/security is not required, but a plus. 
Knowledge of German is not required.

The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer. 
Applications from women are strongly encouraged. Severely challenged 
persons will be given preference in case of equal qualifications.

To apply, please send email with subject "Application: PhD/Postdoc 
Position in Formal Verification" and a single PDF file containing the 
following documents to ralf.kuesters at sec.uni-stuttgart.de:
* Cover letter (explaining your scientific background and your 
motivation to apply)
* Curriculum Vitae
* List of publications, if applicable
* Copies of transcripts and certificates (Bachelor, Master, and if 
applicable, PhD)
* Names of at least two references

The deadline for applications is

December 12th, 2021.

Late applications will be considered until the positions are filled.

See https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sec.uni-stuttgart.de/__;!!IBzWLUs!Fc7vmmR7YaZkgwYbe-vQa2le2Vs3ovRzwFO5LWpHUB2jPr_xZQ7Ne8BIW5oBzWAV9AEK7WUbb0Jrkw$  for more information about the institute.

See https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sec.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/job-openings/__;!!IBzWLUs!Fc7vmmR7YaZkgwYbe-vQa2le2Vs3ovRzwFO5LWpHUB2jPr_xZQ7Ne8BIW5oBzWAV9AEK7WUSA5JYJw$  for the 
official job announcement.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Ralf Küsters, 
ralf.kuesters at sec.uni-stuttgart.de.

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