[TYPES/announce] PLDI'22 Artifact Evaluation Committee Nominations

Niki Vazou niki.vazou at imdea.org
Mon Nov 29 10:21:30 EST 2021

We are looking for motivated students and researchers to be members of the PLDI 2022 Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC).  This year, we are accepting (self-)nominations for the AEC.  The artifact evaluation process aims to promote, share and catalog the research artifacts of papers accepted to the PLDI research track.

The self-nomination form is available at: https://forms.gle/pJJfStLXJwaqJmtm6 <https://forms.gle/pJJfStLXJwaqJmtm6> 

You can also nominate other people (e.g., students, colleagues) at: https://forms.gle/nDtW7wtpkGvU8MQBA <https://forms.gle/nDtW7wtpkGvU8MQBA> 

The instructions for committee members are available here: https://pldi22.sigplan.org/track/pldi-2022-PLDI-Research-Artifacts#Info-for-Reviewers <https://pldi22.sigplan.org/track/pldi-2022-PLDI-Research-Artifacts#Info-for-Reviewers>
As a committee member, your primary responsibilities would be to review the artifacts submitted corresponding to the already accepted papers in the main research track. In particular, you may have to run the associated tool, check whether the results in the main paper can be reproduced, and inspect the data.

PLDI will use a three-phase artifact evaluation review process. We expect the bulk of the review work to take place between March 8 and March 25. Each artifact will take about 8h to review, and reviewers will be assigned 3 to 4 reviews.

Come join us in improving the quality of research in our field!

Xinyu Wang and Niki Vazou

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