[TYPES/announce] 1+2 Assistant positions at Chalmers on ICT and Basic Science

Ana Bove bove at chalmers.se
Fri Dec 3 10:05:57 EST 2021

Dear All,

Chalmers has now opened 11 tenured Assistant professor positions 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://assistant-professor-positions.chalmers.se/__;!!IBzWLUs!Ed7dp1ZoB0rwnIeO_-3iUF-bR3RRiHeXf4cDQ4yU7np06eS35XHdek4p88WeChrRkol8ap7CUQD4Gg$ > among them
* *one* in *ICT* area: 
* *two* in *Basic science*: 

The positions comes with a starting package, you can read more about 
this and other conditions in the links above.

We encourage all strong candidates to apply, in particular women and 
other minorities.

Please distribute this information to those you think could fit the profile.


-- Ana Bove, Docent
email: bove(at)chalmers.se
Phone: (46)(31)7721020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Univ. of Technology and Univ. of Gothenburg
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